My Notes
Housecroft and Sharpe (Inorganic Chemistry, 3ed): This is a comprehensive inorganic textbook designed primarily for students at the Junior/Senior level. P-Chem would not be needed as a prerequisite for this text, but would be helpful. It includes both theoretical and descriptive material along with special topics, enough for a two semester course though it is easily adaptable to a one-semester "advanced inorganic" course by choosing only some topics. It is written in a clear and generally readable style and the full-color graphic contribute to student understanding. Ancillaries include electronic versions of most figures, and a student site with a limited number of multiple choice review questions for each chapter. The 3rd edition updates the end-of -the-chapter problems, though disappointingly does not draw problems from the recent literature. In general, these are good review problems to make sure students understand the basic concepts, but some faculty will want to supplement student assignments with more challenging problems. The list price for the student text is $175 for a paperback, 1098p version.
In reply to Steep price for a paperback by Maggie Geselbracht / Reed College
So, I was swayed by the very pretty pictures in this new edition and decided to try this as the text for my one-semester course (pre P-chem) despite the cost.
I have to admit that only 5 weeks into the semester, I am quite pleased so far. The chapter on Crystalline Structures covers lattice energies and their applications with Born-Haber cycles in a way that perfectly complements my lecture notes that have evolved over the years.
I also like the fact that in the Molecular Symmetry chapter, there are very nice illustrations of the normal modes of vibrations for common molecular structures. While I don't do this in my pre P-chem course, it is nice to have the figures there as a very visual "extra" for students that want to read more on applications of symmetry. And it will definitely come in handy for my Advanced I-Chem course where I like to reuse the text from the pre P-chem course.
I am upping my initial rating from 4 d-orbitals to 5!