The current membership of the IONiC Leadership Council is comprised of:

Anne K. Bentley, Lewis & Clark College,   (2014 - current)

K. Nicole Crowder, University of Mary Washington, (2020 - current)

Hilary J. Eppley, DePauw University, (2006 - current)

Anthony L. Fernandez, Merrimack College, (2020 - current)

Kyle A. Grice, DePaul Univeristy, (2018 - current) 

­Betsy R. Jamieson, Smith College, (2008 - current)

Shirley Lin, US Naval Academy, (2018 - current)

Chip Nataro, Lafayette College, (2011 - current)

Justin M. Pratt, University of Rhode Island, (2020 - current)

Jeffrey R. Raker, University of South Florida, (2013 - current)

Barbara A. Reisner, James Madison University, (2007 - current)

Sheila R. Smith, University of Michigan, Dearborn, (2009 - current)

Kari L. Stone, Lewis Univeristy, (2020 - current)

Lori A. Watson, Earlham College, (2007 - current)

Flo, (2008 - current)


VIPEr LC emerita:

Maggie Geselbracht, Reed College, (2006-2014)

Adam R. Johnson, Harvey Mudd College, (2006-2019)

Joanne L. Stewart, Hope College,  (2007 - 2024)

Nancy S. B. Williams, Claremont Colleges, (2006 - 2024)

Leadership Council members at the University of Rhode Island for 2023 Project Meeting

Some of the 2023 Leadership Council (L to R): Justin, Nicole, Anthony, Betsy, Hilary, Lori, Chip, Kari, and Anne

2020 Leadership Council (L to R): Anthony, Shirley, Nancy, Adam, Kari, Justin, Joanne, Chip, Lori, Jeff, Barb, Sheila, Anne, Betsy, Hilary and Nicole

2019 Leadership Council (L to R): Nancy, Chip, Barb, Sheila, Shirley, Joanne, Anne, Adam, Hilary and Jeff

2018 Leadership Council: Standing (L to R): Jeff, Barb, Chip, Lori, Anne, Shirley, Nancy, Joanne, Sheila and Hilary

2015 Leadership Council: Standing (L to R):  Adam, Barb, Jeff, Chip, Seated (L to R): Sheila, Nancy, Anne, Joanne, Lori and Hilary

Let them eat VIPEr cake!  2008 Leadership Council

Standing (L to R): Joanne, Lori, Ethan, Adam.  Seated (L to R): Hilary, Barbara, Maggie, Scott


Adam Johnson pushes the button launching the site on April 9, 2008.


Adam and Maggie at our first "Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry" symposium in New Orleans, 2008.


Former LC members:

Ethan Benatan, now Modernization Director, Oregon Employment Department

Sibrina Collins, Lawrence Technological University,

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