SLiThErs - Supporting Learning with Interactive Teaching: a Hosted, Engaging Roundtable

A collection of all of the IONiC VIPEr SLiThErs (Supporting Learning with Interactive Teaching: a Hosted, Engaging Roundtable). These events are short presentations on a topic followed by a period of discussion between the presenter and live participants. Each of these events is recorded and posted to the IONiC VIPEr YouTube Channel.

Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Thu, 12/17/2020 - 14:18

Scandium Carbonyls - mysterious myth or legendary legend?

Submitted by James F. Dunne / Central College on Thu, 03/06/2025 - 14:36

This literature discussion is based on a short JACS communication reporting the first isolable Sc(II) carbonyls (not a typo) and isocyanides.  The paper discusses some standard synthesis and characterization while exploring a more fundamental question regarding why Sc, a d-block metal, is considered a rare-earth and when it stops reacting analogously to the rare-earth metals.  The LO focuses on ye olde carbonyl stretching frequencies and back-bonding and makes a nice follow up to an introduction to that concept.  It tries to make students explicitly connect electron configuration to changes

Adducts of XeO3

Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Wed, 02/26/2025 - 14:03

This literature discussion was prepared as part of the 2025 ACS awards collection in honor of Gary J. Schrobilgen, winner of the M. Frederick Hawthorne Award in Main Group Inorganic Chemistry.

AsF5 - a superacid for super review!

Submitted by James F. Dunne / Central College on Fri, 02/21/2025 - 13:02

This LO was developed as a review activity for the end of the semester.  Students are required to touch on a wide range of topics including acid-base theories, crystal systems, point groups, the spectrochemical series, and 19F NMR spectroscopy.  A close reading of the paper is required helping to build student comprehension of the literature.

Moleculuar Computation and Visualization in Undergraduate Education (MoleCVUE)

Submitted by Kevin Range / Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania on Fri, 08/09/2024 - 13:01

The MoleCVUE website contains several items that should be of interest to the VIPEr community, especially the activities.  Each activity is designed to be ready to deploy in lecture, laboratory, or as homework.  There are activities covering all of the major subdisciplines of chemistry (some more than others).  Some activities that might be of particular interest to VIPEr are "Group Theory", "VSEPR", and "Electron Configurations of Atoms and Ions".  All of the activities are written to use WebMO, but could be adapted for other systems.  Most activities are doable with the free or demo versi

Literature Discussion Group Project

This is a literature-based end of semester project.  After a semester of introducing literature in the form of typical literature discussions, this assignment is given to small groups.  It may be easily amended or added to.  Each group is provided with a paper and accompanying questions that are similar to the literature discussions they have done over the semester.  They then must use these guiding questions to assemble a presentation to the class.  The topics chosen and the guiding questions are designed to provide students with a taste of the many areas of inorganic chemistry that are no

Wes Farrell / United States Naval Academy Mon, 08/05/2024 - 14:23

Theoretical Analysis of Fe K-edge XANES on Iron Pentacarbonyl

Submitted by Prajay Patel / University of Dallas on Tue, 04/30/2024 - 15:01

This article focuses on a theoretical analysis of K-edge X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) of Fe(CO)5 in the D3h and C4v geometries. For the context of a one semester inorganic chemistry / physical inorganic chemistry course, the authors use computational methods and experimental X-ray techniques to generate the XANES spectra of two different geometries of Fe(CO)5. Densities of states are used to show overlap between specific orbitals (Fe p with C p), indicating pi-backbonding.

Orca Computational Chemistry Tutorials (Neese)

Submitted by Amanda Reig / Ursinus College on Thu, 04/04/2024 - 13:53

Frank Neese was honored with the 2024 ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry for outstanding accomplishments in combining high-level theory with experiment to obtain insight into the properties and reactivities of transition-metal complexes and metalloenzymes. 

His major contributions to the field have been through the development and dissemination of his free computational modeling software program ORCA, which is used by thousands of researchers across the fields of inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry.

New Members of the Class of [Fe(CN)x(CO)y] Compounds (Koch)

Submitted by Barbara Reisner / James Madison University on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 17:23

This LO was written by the IONiC Leadership Council to celebrate Steve Koch as the recipient of the 2024 ACS Award for Distinguished Service in Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry. Steve has been a major supporter of the IONiC community since its inception. This LO is based on the article New Members of the Class of [Fe(CN)x(CO)y] Compounds. published in Inorganic Chemistry (DOI: 10.1021/ic015604y).

Visible Light-Absorbing Ruthenium Complexes: Choosing a Final Project in Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory from Two Real-World Applications

Submitted by Dr. Robert Perkins / Saint Louis University on Tue, 02/27/2024 - 11:13

Laboratory Project Summary:

Students in an upper level Inorganic Chemistry lab course are given a choice between two final lab projects.  Both projects involve the synthesis of visible light-absorbing ruthenium complexes, however the subsequent application of these complexes correspond to different subfields within inorganic chemistry.  This feature allows them to pursue a project that continues to develop their synthetic, data-analysis, and writing skills while pursuing one that most closely aligns with their interests.