Submitted by James F. Dunne / Central College on Fri, 02/21/2025 - 13:02
My Notes

This LO was developed as a review activity for the end of the semester.  Students are required to touch on a wide range of topics including acid-base theories, crystal systems, point groups, the spectrochemical series, and 19F NMR spectroscopy.  A close reading of the paper is required helping to build student comprehension of the literature.

Attachment Size
LD_AsF5superacid_2025_handout_0.docx 21.51 KB
Learning Goals

1) Identify key information from the Results and Discussion section of a paper.

2) Interpret HOMO-LUMO visualizations for information about the ligand bonding mode.

3) Interpret structural parameters from unit cell visualizations.

Implementation Notes

This LO was developed as part of a sabbatical and has not yet been implemented in the classroom.  The intent is to use the literature discussion as an end of semester review activity to remind students of topics covered, as well as help them make connections between each individual topic.

Time Required
50 min
Evaluation Methods

Student answers can be evaluated using the attached key.  This activity is meant to be a practice for a summative assessment with the intent to remind students of topics covered and explore how they connect to each other.

Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA