My Notes
Specific Course Information
Course Meetings and Time
Foundations: Atomic Structure; Molecular Structure; the Structures of Solids; Group Theory
The Elements and their Compounds: Main Group elements; d-Block Elements; f-Block Elements
Physical Techniques in Inorganic Chemistry: Diffraction Methods; Other Methods
Frontiers: Defects and Ion Transport; Metal Oxides, Nitrides and Fluorides; Chalcogenides, Intercalation Compounds and Metal-rich Phases; Framework Structures; Hydrides and Hydrogen-storage Materials; Semiconductor Chemistry; Molecular Materials and Fullerides.
Students will be able to
1. understand modern electronic structure theory of atoms.
2. apply various molecular orbitals theories for interpreting simple molecules.
3. describe point groups and charility of chemical molecules.
4. understand various types of symmetry, electronic conductivity in metals and insulators.
5. read and understand the research articles published in peer-reviewed journals.
Graduate: Homework (10 times): 30%; Midterm Exam: 20%; Final Exam: 30%; Reports/Presentation: 20%