The mechanism of Oxidative addition of Pd(0) to Si-H bonds

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Tue, 10/10/2023 - 18:25

I saw Amanda Cook present this work (and another paper, Organometallics202241, 997) at the Organometallics Gordon Conference in summer 2023 and while I was furiously taking notes, I knew that I wanted to teach this paper. The paper elucidates the mechanism of oxidative addition of tertiary silanes to palladium zero phosphine complexes. 

Chem 165 2023

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Tue, 10/10/2023 - 17:56

This is a collection of LOs that I used to teach a junior-senior seminar course on organometallics during Fall 2023 at Harvey Mudd College. There were a total of 11 students in the course. Most of the students had taken one semester of both organic and physical chemistry, and about half had taken inorganic (none from me, though, as I was on sabbatical). I used the Stanley textbook hosted on this site (linked below).

Energetics and mechanisms of reductive elimination from Pt(IV) (short version)

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Tue, 10/10/2023 - 17:39

I am moving away from teaching the Goldberg paper (still one of my favorites) and instead wanted to teach just the highlights as part of my seminar class in organometallic chemistry this fall. I created this shorter version of the activity to use in class. I did NOT have them read the paper in advance, hence the summaries in the LO itself. 


Electron Transfer through a Photosynthetic Reaction Center

Submitted by Levi Ekanger / The College of New Jersey on Thu, 09/07/2023 - 16:23

This is a computer-based activity intended for a bioinorganic chemistry course composed of upper-level undergraduate students. It is helpful for students to be familiar with concepts of electron transfer, including a surface-level introduction to Marcus theory and the inverted region, and photosynthetic charge separation before beginning this activity. However, this activity can easily be adapted to students with other levels of preparation in a bioinorganic course.

Analyzing the Proposed Reaction Profile in “Changing the Charge: Electrostatic Effects in Pd-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling”

This LO is a literature discussion based on one figure in Chan et. al.

Megan Lazorski / Metropolitan State University of Denver Tue, 06/28/2022 - 17:20

VIPEr Fellows 2022 Workshop Favorites

Submitted by Barbara Reisner / James Madison University on Sun, 06/26/2022 - 14:31

The second cohort of VIPEr fellows pulled together learning objects that they've used and liked or want to try the next time they teach their inorganic courses.

Tanabe Sugano Creative Exercise

Students are asked to provide correct, distinct, and relevant statements about a prompt which includes a coordination complex formula and a Tanabe Sugano diagram. If assigned as an in-class activity, 10 statements meeting the above criteria receive full credit.

Janet / Kennesaw State University Mon, 09/20/2021 - 12:56
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

A one-semester study of advanced topics in inorganic chemistry with emphasis on structure and bonding, transition metal chemistry, organometallic and solid-state chemistry.

Paul Smith / Valparaiso University Wed, 07/21/2021 - 10:42

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Weiwei Xie / Louisiana State University on Sun, 06/09/2019 - 12:11

Foundations: Atomic Structure; Molecular Structure; the Structures of Solids; Group Theory

The Elements and their Compounds: Main Group elements; d-Block Elements; f-Block Elements

Physical Techniques in Inorganic Chemistry: Diffraction Methods; Other Methods

Frontiers: Defects and Ion Transport; Metal Oxides, Nitrides and Fluorides; Chalcogenides, Intercalation Compounds and Metal-rich Phases; Framework Structures; Hydrides and Hydrogen-storage Materials; Semiconductor Chemistry; Molecular Materials and Fullerides.


Inorganic Chemistry I

Submitted by Brad Wile / Ohio Northern University on Sun, 06/09/2019 - 08:55
Bonding, structures, preparation, properties, compounds, and reactions
of main group and transition metal elements. Offered fall semester.