Developing student learning goals and assessments for VIPEr learning objects

All VIPEr learning objects are supposed to include clear student learning goals and a suggested way to assess the learning. This "five slides about" provides a brief introduction to the "Understanding by Design" or "backward design" approach to curriculum development and will help you develop your VIPEr learning object.

Joanne Stewart / Hope College Sat, 06/20/2009 - 07:47
Post-Exam Reflection

This activity is a post-exam reflection that is adapted from the Exam Wrappers created by Marsha Lovett at Carnegie Mellon University. The activity has the students build metacognition skills by analyzing their exam preparation and performance. Then, students work to identify how each of their study strategies had a positive or negative impact to their performance. Finally, they outline a plan for how they will prepare for future exams. If the student would like, these reflections and plans are then discussed with the instructor in 1-on-1 meetings. 

Chris Whitehead / Union College Fri, 12/06/2024 - 13:45
SLiThEr #62: Applying to PhD Chemistry Programs

John Anderson (UChicago), Jenny Yang (UC Irvine), and Ian Tonks (UMN) discuss their perspectives on applying to graduate school

Sarah Shaner / Southeast Missouri State University Mon, 11/04/2024 - 18:30
SLiThEr #61: Resources for teaching cyberinfrastructure skills in the chemistry curriculum

Here's the video for SLiThEr #61:


Kyle Grice / DePaul University Tue, 09/24/2024 - 11:09
SLiThEr #60: A Scientist's Guide to Social Media

This was our 60th SLiThEr! 

Kyle Grice / DePaul University Tue, 09/24/2024 - 11:04
Literature Discussion Group Project

This is a literature-based end of semester project.  After a semester of introducing literature in the form of typical literature discussions, this assignment is given to small groups.  It may be easily amended or added to.  Each group is provided with a paper and accompanying questions that are similar to the literature discussions they have done over the semester.  They then must use these guiding questions to assemble a presentation to the class.  The topics chosen and the guiding questions are designed to provide students with a taste of the many areas of inorganic chemistry that are no

Wes Farrell / United States Naval Academy Mon, 08/05/2024 - 14:23
SLiThEr #59: Inclusive leadership - Your role in creating cultures of belonging

Marilyn Mackiewicz (Oregon State University) is the 2020 awardee of the Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences from the ACS. Her unique story and experiences are presented, along with how faculty can make their spaces and themselves more welcoming.

Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Fri, 04/05/2024 - 15:38
Incorporating hard-soft acid-base theory to create transition-metal and oxidation-state specific biological probes (Chang)

This literature discussion was created on invitation as part of a broad collection of learning objects celebrating Spring 2024 ACS award winners conducting research in Inorganic Chemistry. This learning object is in celebration of Prof. Christopher J.

Marco Messina / University of Delaware Sun, 03/03/2024 - 09:13
SLiThEr #58: Embracing the maker culture in chemistry research and instruction

BoB LeSuer (Associate Professor at SUNY - Brockport and President of IBiB) discusses using a maker space for teaching chemistry. Topics include: digital fabrication of pedagogical materials (models and periodic tables); instrumentation (potentiostat and liquid dispenser); and upcycling plastics into functional materials. Of special interest to this group will be work BoB has done on making the ICE solid state model kits available to anyone!

Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Fri, 03/01/2024 - 09:43