Submitted by James F. Dunne / Central College on Fri, 02/21/2025 - 11:15
My Notes

This is a literature discussion focused on calculating and comparing the Mulliken electronegativites of the noble gases. Students can explore how this periodic property extends into the noble gases and impacts the observed reactivity of Group 18 compounds.  The discussion could be used either as an in-class activity or a homework assignment.

Attachment Size
LD_NobleGases_2025_Handout.docx 20.76 KB
Learning Goals

1) Calculate, convert, and compare electronegativities of different scales

2) Explain how periodic properties and trends extend into the noble gases

3) Explain noble gas reactivity in terms of periodic properties

Implementation Notes

This LO was developed as part of a sabbatical and has not yet been implemented in the classroom.  Notes will be updated upon implementation in spring 2026.

Time Required
30-50 min
Evaluation Methods

Answers to handout questions are listed in the key.  If time allows, large group share out of answers would allow for a qualitative evaluation of student comprehension.  Handouts and Excel sheets can be submitted electronically for a grade.

Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA