Submitted by Dean Johnston / Otterbein University on Mon, 04/26/2021 - 17:41
My Notes
Specific Course Information
Course Area and Number
CHEM 3200
Otterbein University
Westerville, OH
Inorganic Chemistry (5th Edition), Miessler, Fischer & Tarr
Course Meetings and Time
Number of meetings per week
3 meetings / week
Time per meeting (minutes)
55 min / meeting
Number of weeks
14 weeks
Lab Associated
Yes, required, concurrently
Average Class Size
5 to 15
Typical Student Population
This course is taken by chemistry majors (BS and BA).

This course will emphasize the fundamental concepts needed to understand the diverse chemistry of all the elements of the periodic table. The common theme for the entire course will be Structure and Bonding. The primary focus will be inorganic molecules, ions and solids, but the concepts we will discuss are applicable to all aspects of chemistry. The first two-thirds of the course will cover theories of bonding in molecules and solids along with some background in symmetry and structure. The remainder of the course will extend these concepts and apply them to the chemistry and properties of the transition metals and their complexes.

Learning Goals
  • use the fundamental concepts of quantum theory to predict and explain the electronic configuration of elements and ions and periodic trends
  • use localized bonding theories and VSEPR to predict and explain the bonding and 3D structures of molecules and ions
  • identify symmetry operations / elements in molecules and determine their point groups
  • use group theory and character tables to predict the vibrational modes of a molecule or ion
  • use MO theory to construct simple molecular orbital diagrams and predict bond order and electronic properties of simple molecules
  • use ligand group orbitals and Walsh diagram to predict bonding and geometries in simple molecules and ions
  • identify acids and bases using a range of different acid-base definitions
  • predict the relative strengths and reactivity of acids and bases using periodic trends, hard-soft theory, and other concepts
  • describe the structures and stoichiometry of binary and ternary salts based on close packing of ions
  • predict the properties of ionic materials using periodic trends and thermodynamics principles
  • interpret simple band diagrams, identify different types of semiconductors, and describe their preparation via doping
  • name coordination compounds given a structure or formula or draw the correct structure given the complete name
  • identify number of types of isomers possible for a given empirical formula or structure
  • use crystal field / ligand field theory to predict electronic configuration, magnetic properties, geometric preferences, and spectroscopic properties of coordination complexes
  • use molecular orbital theory to explain the relative ordering of ligands in the spectrochemical series
  • use kinetic and thermodynamic arguments to predict and explain the reactivity of coordination compounds
  • interpret kinetics of coordination compound reactions using mechanistic principles and linear free energy relationships
  • analyze and interpret the stereochemistry of substitution reactions of coordination compounds
How the course is taught
In a "normal" (non-COVID) year I teach using small groups in a guided-inquiry style.
Grading Scheme
Exams 60% (15% each)
Participation / in-class activities (10%)
Other assignments (10%)
Final Exam (20%)
Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA