My Notes
Specific Course Information
Course Area and Number
Chem 355
University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point
Stevens Point, WI
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry (6th Edition), Rayner-Canham and Overton
Course Meetings and Time
Number of meetings per week
3 meetings / week
Time per meeting (minutes)
50 min / meeting
Number of weeks
15 weeks
Lab Associated
Yes, required, concurrently
Average Class Size
5 to 15
Typical Student Population
This is a course taken by Chemistry majors. The course can serve as an elective for Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering majors.
Course Level
Topics Covered
An introduction to the chemistry of inorganic compounds and materials. Descriptive chemistry of the elements. A survey of Crystal Field Theory, band theory, and various acid-base theories. Use of the chemical and scientific literature. Introduction to the seminar concept.
File attachments
Learning Goals
1. Apply foundational principles of Inorganic Chemistry to identify and explain the chemical and physical properties of matter.
2. Evaluate and communicate solutions to chemistry-related issues and problems, particularly Inorganic Chemistry related issues and problems, according to accepted scientific standards as, for example, a report, poster, or oral presentation. I will focus on the oral communication aspect of the Chemistry major. This relates to the seminar concept in the catalog description. Seminars are a place where the audience has an opportunity to engage the speaker through questions, and as an expert, the speaker needs to answer those questions quickly and thoughtfully. By the way, the speaker in this class is you!
3. Search and discuss the modern chemical literature and databases.
4. Utilize modern inorganic synthetic techniques to safely synthesize and characterize inorganic compounds and report those results.
VIPEr LOs used in course
Grading Scheme
3 Exams, 150 points each (includes oral exam component); 6 Quizzes, 10 points each; 6 Problem Sets, 60 points each; lowest dropped Final Exam, 200 points; Lab Reports, to be determined!
Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA