Submitted by Kari Young / Centre College on Mon, 01/28/2019 - 11:23
My Notes
Specific Course Information
Course Area and Number
CHE 332
Centre College
Danville, Kentucky
Inorganic Chemistry (5th Edition), Miessler, Fischer & Tarr
Course Meetings and Time
Number of meetings per week
3 meetings / week
Time per meeting (minutes)
60 min / meeting
Number of weeks
12 weeks
Lab Associated
Yes, required, concurrently
Average Class Size
5 to 15
Typical Student Population
The course is taken by senior chemistry majors who have already taken organic chemistry and quantum chemistry.

A study of the chemistry of inorganic compounds, including the principles of covalent and ionic bonding, symmetry, periodic properties, metallic bonding, acid-base theories, coordination chemistry, inorganic reaction mechanisms, and selected topics in descriptive inorganic chemistry. Laboratory work is required.

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Learning Goals
  1. Use concepts from quantum theory to explain periodic trends in atomic and chemical properties
  2. Use symmetry and group theory to explain the spectroscopy and reactivity of molecules and complexes
  3. Predict electronic structure and properties in metallic systems with reference to molecular orbital theory, crystal field theory, and ligand field theory.  Apply and understand the limitations of each of these bonding models.
  4. Interpret kinetic or spectroscopic data in terms of metal complex structure, bonding, or reactivity
  5. Use coordination chemistry principles to describe the varied roles of metals in biological systems
  6. Apply organometallic reactions to industrially useful catalytic cycles.


How the course is taught
Interactive lecture with just-in-time-teaching
Grading Scheme
Pre-class assignment participation 3%
Quizzes 12% (3% each)
Exams 45% (15% each)
Laboratory 20%
Final exam 20%
Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA