Submitted by Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn on Thu, 01/03/2019 - 18:02
My Notes

This Learning Object came to being sort of (In-)organically on the first day of my sophomore level intro to inorganic course. As I always do, I started the course with the IC Top 10 First Day Activity. (  One of the pieces of that In class activity asks students- novices at Inorganic Chemistry- to sort the articles from the Most Read Articles from Inorganic Chemistry into bins of the various subdisciplines of Inorganic Chemistry.  As the discussion unfolded, I just sort of started spontaneously drawing a Venn Diagram on the board.  

I think Venn diagrams are an excellent logic tool, one that is too little applied these days for anything other than internet memes.  This is a nice little add-on activity to the first day.

Your Venn diagram will likely look different from mine.  You're right.


Attachment Size
VennDiag Inorganic Chemistry.pdf 468.72 KB
Learning Goals

The successful student should be able to:

  • identify the various sub-disciplines of inorganic chemistry.  
  • apply the rules of logic diagrams to construct overlapping fields of an Venn diagram.


Equipment needs

colored chalk may be handy but not required.

Implementation Notes

I used this activity in conjuction with a first day activity LO (also published on VIPEr).

I shared a clean copy (this one) with the students after the class where we discussed this.


Time Required
10-15 minutes


Evaluation Methods

I did not assess this piece, except by participation in the discussion

Evaluation Results

I asked my students to write an open ended essay to answer the question (asked in that first day exercise): What is Inorganic Chemistry.

Interestingly, 2 of my 15 students drew a version of this Venn Diagram to accompany their essays.

Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA