Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Tue, 01/17/2017 - 17:58
My Notes

This literature discussion is based on a paper detailing the structure and reactivity of the title compound (Organometallics, 201635, 3163). The 2,3-dimethylbutadiene ligand is a bit misleading as these typically bond as X type ligands to early transition metals. Students will get a lot of pracitce counting electrons, in particular considering the different ways the 2,3-dimethylbutadiene ligand might be thought of in terms of bonding. These will then be compared to X-ray data to help the students arrive at the proper binding mode. The reactivity of these compounds with carbon monoxide and isonitriles (isocyanides) is examined. Students should be given the paper to read before coming to class for discussion. I use the CBC method of electron counting and that is reflected in the questions on electron counting. Students are taught this at the beginning of a senior level course that is primarily focused on organometallic chemistry.

Attachment Size
Questions for students 64.75 KB
Learning Goals

Upon completing this LO students should be able to

  1. Use the CBC method to count electrons in the zirconium compounds in this paper
  2. Describe the bonding interaction between a metal and a Cp* ligand
  3. Describe the bonding of a 2,3-dimethylbutadiene ligand to zirconium based on the available X-ray data
  4. Classify the reactions of CO and isonitriles with the complexes by reaction type
Time Required
50 minutes or so
Evaluation Methods

This was developed after the semester in which I teach this material. I look forward to using it next fall and I hope to post some evaluation data at that point. I anticipate having students read the paper prior to coming to class to answer these questions in a group.

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