Submitted by Vanessa / Albion College on Thu, 07/02/2015 - 15:56
My Notes

This Learning Object involves reading a recent scientific journal article, answering questions relating to the content, and participating in a classroom discussion. The paper under review is “Regeneration of an Iridium (III) Complex Active for Alkane Dehydrogenation Using Molecular Oxygen,” Organometallics, 33, 1337-1340. DOI: /10.1021/om401241e). This paper presents a summary of results from experiments relating to important recent advances in organometallic chemistry, including alkane dehydrogenation and using as an oxidant to regenerate the active form of a catalyst.


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ThermoValues.docx 15.15 KB
Learning Goals

After completing this literature discussion, students should be able to:

  • explain in 1-2 sentences the relevance/importance/rationale of a paper and what the conclusions are

  • interpret proton NMR spectra in the context of the paper

  • explain from the standpoint of the thermodynamic principles why the uphill transformation from alkane to alkene in this case is possible and non-reversible

  • count electrons in transition metal complexes and identify oxidation states and oxidized and reduced species
  • integrate their chemical knowledge and be able to come up with a reasonable answer to “what is the next step?” in the context of this paper

Implementation Notes

Give the hand out (or post the assignment online) to students ~1 week before the class period assigned for the discussion, with the following instructions: “Please go to the ACS website and find and download a copy of the paper. Print it out and as you read the paper, make notes on the paper and bring these to class with you. We will be using this paper to answer the following questions:” Alternatively, the paper could be downloaded by the instructor and either emailed or handed out to the students. In order to answer one of the questions, a table of thermodynamic values from the NIST website has been provided.


In order to reassure students who might be shy or hesitant about speaking up, students should be advised that they will not be graded on the correctness of the answer, but rather on their preparation and participation.


During the literature discussion, each student will be selected to answer a subset of the questions orally and/or on the board to start the discussion of that question. At the end of the literature discussion, the students will hand in the notes they have on each of the discussion questions, which they can edit during the discussion. The students be evaluated based on two criteria:


1.       Preparation: Did the students come to the discussion will thoughtful answers to the questions they were assigned?

2.       Participation: Did the students participate in the discussion of answers assigned to others? Did they communicate original ideas and questions clearly during the discussion?

Evaluation Methods

Students will be evaluated on preparation and participation using the attached evaluation form.

Evaluation Results

This is a new learning object created at the 2015 Summer VIPEr workshop and not yet been implemented. Results will be added by the creators after use in a class.

Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA