My Notes
This learning object is a literature discussion based on a paper published in Nature (Labinger, J. A.; Bercaw, J. E. Nature 2002, 417, 507-514; doi:
Attachment | Size |
Guided Questions.doc | 64 KB |
Intro to C-H activation.ppt | 699.5 KB |
A student should be able to describe, in limited detail, the “five primary” mechanisms for C-H activation.
A student should be able to distinguish the basic characteristics between oxidative addition, sigma-bond metathesis and electrophilic substitution.
A student should be able to apply his/her knowledge of organometallic reactions to show these reactions in a catalytic cycle for C-H functionalization.
A copy of the paper and guided questions should be made available to students one week prior to the lecture. A 15 minute powerpoint lecture is available, if needed. At the end of the lecture allow the students to break into small groups to take a second attempt at their guided questions. During this time the instructor can walk around helping with both the guided questions and any other questions that might have arisen from the discussion. Alternatively, if the presentation is not needed you can use the guided questions to lead the class in a discussion.
The guided questions can be collected and graded. Alternatively, a qualitative score can be given based on class participation.