Advanced ChemDraw (2019 Community Challenge #2)

Submitted by Chantal Stieber / Cal Poly Pomona on Tue, 02/12/2019 - 12:12

This in-class activity was designed for a Chemical Communications course with second-year students. It is the second part of a two-week segment in which students learn how to use ChemDraw (or similar drawing software to create digital drawings of molecules).

Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Steven Girard / University of Wisconsin - Whitewater on Fri, 02/01/2019 - 11:58

This course is composed of two components:

A. Lecture:

5-ish Slides About Bridging Hydrides and the [Cr(CO)5HCr(CO)5] anion

Submitted by Kyle Grice / DePaul University on Thu, 01/31/2019 - 13:52

This set of slides was made for my Organometallics class based on questions about bridging hydrides and specifically the chromium molecule. I decided to make these slides to answer the questions, and do a DFT calc to show the MO's involved in bonding of the hydride. 


Guided Literature Discussion of “Next-Generation Water-Soluble Homogeneous Catalysts for Conversion of Glycerol to Lactic Acid”

Submitted by M. Watzky / University of Northern Colorado on Mon, 01/28/2019 - 14:50

This Guided Literature Discussion was assigned as a course project, and is the result of work originated by students Joie Games and Benjamin Melzer.  It is based on the article “Next-Generation Water-Soluble Homogeneous Catalysts for Conversion of Glycerol to Lactic Acid” by Matthew Finn, J. August Ridenour, Jacob Heltzel, Christopher Cahill, and Adelina Voutchkova-Kostal in Organometallics 2018 37 (9), 1400-1409.

Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Kari Young / Centre College on Mon, 01/28/2019 - 11:23

A study of the chemistry of inorganic compounds, including the principles of covalent and ionic bonding, symmetry, periodic properties, metallic bonding, acid-base theories, coordination chemistry, inorganic reaction mechanisms, and selected topics in descriptive inorganic chemistry. Laboratory work is required.

Guided Literature Discussion of “Mechanism of the Platinum(II)-Catalyzed Hydroamination of 4-Pentenylamines”

Submitted by M. Watzky / University of Northern Colorado on Wed, 01/16/2019 - 19:11

This Guided Literature Discussion was assigned as a course project, and is the result of work originated by students Jana Forster and Kristofer Reiser.  It is based on the article “Mechanism of the Platinum(II)-Catalyzed Hydroamination of 4-Pentenylamines” by Christopher F. Bender, Timothy J. Brown, and Ross A. Widenhoefer in Organometallics 2016 35 (2), 113-125.

Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry - Inorganic Photochemistry

Submitted by Catherine McCusker / East Tennessee State University on Wed, 01/16/2019 - 17:21

The class is divided into two parts. In the first part students learn the physical principles involved with the absorption of light and the photophysical and photochemical processes that may occur aafter the abosrption of light. The second part uses literature discussions and student presentations to explore applications of photophysical and photochemical reactions in inorganic chemistry 

Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Catherine McCusker / East Tennessee State University on Wed, 01/16/2019 - 16:26

This course is designed to give an introduction to the concepts of electronic structure, bonding,

and reactivity in inorganic chemistry. The field is too vast to comprehensively cover every aspect in

a single semester, so this class will offer a qualitative overview of inorganic chemistry. Reading and

understanding scientific literature is an important skill for any scientist to have, whether you move

on to grad school, professional school, or the job market, so relevant literature articles will be