Werner From Beyond the Grave

Submitted by Maggie Geselbracht / Reed College on Mon, 06/09/2008 - 19:11
This short communication in 2001 established the structure of a dinuclear cobalt complex based on a single crystal X-ray diffraction study of crystals taken from the Werner collection. The X-ray structure clarified the nature of the bridging ligands including a bridging superoxo group. As such, it offers a nice entry point into the nomenclature of bridging ligands, a discussion of O2 related ligands such as peroxide and superoxide, and the evolution of characterization techniques from Werner's time to the present.

Nitrogenase primary literature

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 17:58
Some in-class materials for discussion of the nitrogenase enzyme, including some background reading on the bacterial process, the industrial process, X-ray structure data of the P-cluster and the Mo-Fe cluster, and Schrock's reaction cycle that models the biological process.  Also included are the literature sources I use in my in-class discussion of nitrogenase;  2 X-ray crystal structures by Rees, and the synthetic work by Schrock.

Fluoro Analogue of Wilkinson's Catalyst

Submitted by Maggie Geselbracht / Reed College on Wed, 04/02/2008 - 01:24
This paper describes the synthesis and characterization of the fluoro analogue of Wilkinson's catalyst [(Ph3P)3RhF]. The fluorine for chlorine switch causes an interesting change in the reactivity, promoting activation of C-Cl bonds in chloroarenes. Discussion of this paper nicely pairs with the chemistry of Wilkinson's catalyst, highlighting periodic trends in bonding and reactivity.

Miessler and Tarr: Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd. Ed

Submitted by Nancy Williams / Scripps College, Pitzer College, Claremont McKenna College on Fri, 03/28/2008 - 16:44

Miessler and Tarr is an inorganic textbook which is is best suited to an upper-division one-semester inorganic course, though there is more material than can be covered in a single semester, so some choice of topics is necessary.  It is very well suited for a course oriented around structure, bonding, and reaction chemistry of transition metal compounds, but is very limited in its treatment of solids, main-group, descriptive chemistry, and bioinorganic.  Pchem would be helpful but is not necessary.  In particular, the treatment of MO theory is very in-depth.  The quality of end-of chapter p

Zinc-Zinc Bonds

Submitted by Maggie Geselbracht / Reed College on Fri, 03/28/2008 - 02:51
This paper in Science reports the synthesis of decamethyldizincocene, a stable compound of Zn(I) with a zinc-zinc bond. The title compound and the starting material, bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)zinc, offer a nice link to metallocene chemistry, electron counting, and different modes of binding of cyclopentadienyl rings as well as more advanced discussions of MO diagrams. More fundamental discussion could focus on the question of what constitutes the evidence for a chemical bond, in this case, the existence of a zinc-zinc bond.

Housecroft and Sharpe: Inorganic Chemistry, 3ed

Submitted by Lori Watson / Earlham College on Wed, 03/26/2008 - 20:01

Housecroft and Sharpe (Inorganic Chemistry, 3ed): This is a comprehensive inorganic textbook designed primarily for students at the Junior/Senior level. P-Chem would not be needed as a prerequisite for this text, but would be helpful. It includes both theoretical and descriptive material along with special topics, enough for a two semester course though it is easily adaptable to a one-semester "advanced inorganic" course by choosing only some topics. It is written in a clear and generally readable style and the full-color graphic contribute to student understanding.

Literature Discussion: Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of a Stabilized Calcium Carbene: R2CCa

Submitted by Lori Watson / Earlham College on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 16:26
This is a literature discussion assignment which asks students to read and write responses to some guided questions.  This is then followed by an in-class discussion loosely based on the questions provided.  This particular article investigates the synthesis and structural characteristics of a calcium carbene.  Within the context of the journal article, I ask students to review MO diagrams and interpret X-ray data.  I also introduced computational methods in the context of inorganic chemistry using this paper.

Introduction to Powder X-ray Diffraction

Submitted by Maggie Geselbracht / Reed College on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 19:01
This quick lab experiment is designed to introduce students to powder X-ray diffraction including sample preparation, data collection, and the analysis of diffraction data to refine lattice parameters.  Diffraction data is collected for a sample of the cubic perovskite SrTiO3 (useful data can be obtained in relatively short times) and compared to data collected previously (over 6 hours) for the orthorhombic perovskite CaTiO3.  Students index the diffraction pattern of SrTiO3 by comparison to  the JCPDS database, and use a free program, UnitCell, to refine the l

Tetrahedral Tellurate

Submitted by Maggie Geselbracht / Reed College on Sun, 02/17/2008 - 23:27

This communication describes the first example of a discrete tetrahedral tellurate ion, analogous to sulfate and selenate.  This assignment was used as an introduction to the inorganic literature early in the semester.  Pre-discussion questions were adapted from the "How to Read an Inorganic Paper" learning object by Hilary Eppley.  In class discussion focused on communications vs. full papers, the essentials of X-ray crystallographic information, multinuclear NMR, and the periodic trends discussed in this paper.   

student choice experiment

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Fri, 01/04/2008 - 19:26

The students prepare a short proposal outlining their desired target and why they want to make it.  Chemicals are ordered, and during the last 3-4 weeks of the semester, the students carry out their synthesis.  The writeup is as a paper submtited to the journal Inorganic Chemistry using the template from the journal web page.