Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Briana Aguila-Ames / New College of Florida on Fri, 07/01/2022 - 11:20

Syllabus for Inorganic Chemistry lecture taught in Spring 2022.

Introductory Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Nerissa Lewis / Seattle Pacific University on Wed, 06/29/2022 - 00:35

A systematic study of chemical principles as applied to inorganic systems. This class consist of a 3 hour lecture and a 4 hour lab. Special emphasis is placed on group theory and the use of molecular orbital, ligand field, and crystal field theories as tools to understanding the structure and reactivity of inorganic compounds. 

Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Jennifer Young / Azusa Pacific University on Tue, 06/28/2022 - 17:57

This course lays a foundation in the subjects of atomic structure, bonding theory, symmetry theory, and acid-base chemistry, which is then used to explore advanced topics involving crystalline compounds, coordination compounds, and organometallic compounds. Topics include bonding, spectroscopy, and kinetics.

Organometallic Chemistry

Submitted by Laina Geary / University of Nevada, Reno on Tue, 06/28/2022 - 17:51

The goal of this course is to provide an in-depth introduction to the broad subject of organometallic chemistry. Selected topics include: main group organometallics, oxidation states, ligands, structure and bonding, mechanism and mechanistic analysis, cross coupling, hydrogenation, hydroformylation, olefin polymerization, olefin metathesis, and other applications in homogeneous catalysis and organic synthesis.

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Matthew Bork / Rockford University on Mon, 06/27/2022 - 16:50

CHEM 405 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry – 4 Credit Hours

VIPEr Fellows 2022 Workshop Favorites

Submitted by Barbara Reisner / James Madison University on Sun, 06/26/2022 - 14:31

The second cohort of VIPEr fellows pulled together learning objects that they've used and liked or want to try the next time they teach their inorganic courses.

SALC: An Orbital Arrangement Game

Submitted by Madalyn Radlauer / San Jose State University on Wed, 06/15/2022 - 00:13

We have developed a tabletop game to help students get comfortable with symmetry adapted linear combinations of orbitals (SALCs), a conceptual model used to understand bonding in molecular orbital theory. We have found that students often get anxious about SALCs and miss not only the visual connections to symmetry, but also the fun! This LO includes information about the game, files you can use to print your own copy as well as a link in case you want to purchase a copy, and an example of how it might be incorporated into the classroom.