Student dies in laboratory accident

A student at Yale apparently died yesterday in the Chemistry department.  Details are still very vague, but it seems like her long hair was pulled into a lathe.…

A sad reminder of the importance of safety and good laboratory practices (note, there is no information at this time about whether she was in fact following good practices and just had an accident or not). 

Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College Wed, 04/13/2011 - 17:33

summer work policy

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Thu, 06/24/2010 - 20:36

does anyone out there in VIPEr land have a department policy on missed work during the summer?  I am asking specifically about medical or family emergency (ie, excused absences) but it would be also good wo know whats out there regarding unexcused missed days.

Sadly, I ask because one of my student's family members is having a serious medical emergency and the student has missed a lot of work and I expect more over the next week or so.  
