General Chemistry I Laboratory

Submitted by Chris Hamaker / Illinois State University on Mon, 03/06/2023 - 14:12

Here at Illinois State, we are revamping how we do General Chemistry I Laboratory. In the past, we have alternated between wet labs in a laboratory and discussion in a classroom. We are changing to an all "wet lab" model, with room for some discussion-based exercises some weeks, so we only have 7 wet labs for 14 weeks of laboratory. Would any of the members of the community be willing to share their school's list/schedule of labs they do in General Chemistry I?


ACS Spring 2022 Sympossium

Submitted by Rob Bachman / The University of the South on Wed, 10/06/2021 - 16:28

Rebecca Jones and I have reconstituted the symposium we had hoped to host at the 2020 Spring ACS meeting in Philadelphia...   So please consider joining in on the fun this coming spring in San Diego!   Here you go, just submit soon (deadline is Oct 11).


Interest in Inorganic Teaching Symposium at ACS Regional Meeting? (2022)

Submitted by pforster / Dept. of Chemistry, UNLV on Thu, 02/20/2020 - 13:12

Hi All,


I've been asked to organize the Inorganic Chemistry sections of the 2022 Western Regional meeting to be held in Las Vegas during fall 2022.  One thought would be to have a session on aspects of teaching Inorganic Chemistry.  The exact dates for the meeting were not fixed last I heard, but it will be during fall semester, so attending might involve missing a lecture or two.  If there is interest, I'll propose it to the organizing committee.  Feel free to either reply to this on the forum or email me (


Ball Mills to grind/mix solids

Submitted by Deborah Polvani / Washington & Jefferson College on Thu, 02/13/2020 - 10:25

My colleague and I are getting interested in ball mills for our solid-state synthesis work with students.  I used one in graduate school (20 years ago), but have not used one since.  Does anyone else out there like to use ball mills, and if so, can you recommend a good one (or a good company to took at?)  A quick look online shows that these can get very expensive.  Thanks for any suggestions you can provide!

Deborah Polvani, Washington & Jefferson College


Service Animal in Lab

Submitted by Chris Hamaker / Illinois State University on Tue, 07/30/2019 - 10:04

OK, so here's a new one for me. My colleague who is teaching Gen Chem I this Fall got a notice from Student Access and Accomodations about a student with a service animal. Have any of you ever had to work with a student who has a service animal in lab? Any experiences would be helpful.


undergraduate inorganic chemistry, linear algebra, and group theory

Submitted by Margaret Scheuermann / Western Washington University on Sat, 02/16/2019 - 17:05

Is linear algebra a pre-requsite for the (first) inorganic chemistry class at your institution?

How does having or not having a linear algebra pre-requsite impact how you approach group theory?

Have you found or created materials, in particular readings, that allow students to apply group theory to chemical problems such as molecular orbital diagrams and spectroscopy without passing through at least some of the matrix algebra that underlies group theory? 



ACS Gen Chem Exam for Gen Chem II Final

Submitted by Chris Hamaker / Illinois State University on Fri, 12/14/2018 - 08:21

All right, I am about to teach Gen Chem II for the first time in Spring 2019. I was chatting with some students this week who were studying for their sophomore analytical final, which is the ACS exam, and thought about it. Illinois State University uses the organic ACS exam for the Organic II final, the Inorganic ACS exam for the advanced inorganic final, why not use the ACS Gen Chem exam for the Gen Chem II final? I don't give multiple chioce hour exams, so it would be a change for the students, but I see some benefits.


2-D NMR experiment

Submitted by Dave / Saint Michael's College on Wed, 10/24/2018 - 09:48

Hi,  I am looking for a lab that utilizes 2-D NMR.  Ideally the students would synthesize the compound and use 2-D NMR for charaterization. We have a new 400MHz NMR and am looking to integrate some simple 2-D concepts into my senior level inorganic class.
