Submitted by Terrie Salupo-Bryant / Manchester University on Fri, 01/31/2020 - 16:02
My Notes
Specific Course Information
Course Area and Number
CHEM 435
Manchester University
North Manchester, Indiana
Inorganic Chemistry by Weller, Overton, Rourke, and Armstrong 7th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2018.
Course Meetings and Time
Number of meetings per week
3 meetings / week
Time per meeting (minutes)
50 min / meeting
Number of weeks
15 weeks
Lab Associated
Average Class Size
1 to 5
Typical Student Population
This course is taken by junior and senior level chemistry majors.

Many of the topics in this course have their origins in the topics that are covered in General Chemistry but are covered in more detail.  Many of the rules learned in General Chemistry are actually the exception.  Chemical systems are much more complicated than the simple models presented in a first year course.  The course begins with the electronic structure and periodic properties of atoms followed by discussion of covalent, ionic, and metallic bonding theories and structures.  Students also apply acid-base principles to inorganic systems.  The second half of the course is dedicated to transition metal chemistry, a vast area of chemistry that typically gets little coverage in other courses in the Chemistry curriculum.  Topics include crystal field theory, spectroscopy, reactions, and applications of the d-block elements including organometallic chemistry and catalysis.

Learning Goals
  • Construct MO diagrams  and use them to predict and explain physical and bonding properties of molecules
  • Apply principles of atomic structure to explain periodic trends
  • Assign point groups to molecules and symmetry labels to molecular orbitals and IR vibrations
  • Identify solid state structures and crystal packing; Calculate the energy of crystal formation
  • Predict the extent of an acid-base reaction using hard-soft acid-base theory
  • Use Crystal Field Theory to explain physical and spectroscopic properties of transition metal complexes
  • Identify the overall reaction in a catalytic cycle and determine the metal electron count and  oxidation state


How the course is taught
traditional lecture format with in-class activities as appropriate
Grading Scheme
Chapter Exams (65%), Homework Assignments (15%), Literature Presentation (5%), Final Exam (15%)
Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA
Terrie Salupo-Bryant / Manchester University

I most recently used the Weller 7E textbook, but find I prefer the Housecroft & Sharpe 3E textbook.  Housecroft 3E has better illustrations, but isn't as bulky as the Housecroft 4E textbook.

Mon, 02/03/2020 - 15:43 Permalink