Submitted by Amanda Reig / Ursinus College on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 22:55
My Notes

In an attempt to find a substitute for our chemistry seminar program, I have found a number of YouTube videos of chemists giving seminar lectures, mostly between 2017-2020. The topics span a range of chemistry disciplines, and are all around 1 hour in length (typical seminar length).  I have not watched them, so I cannot vouch for video quality. Feel free to add additional links in the comments below if you know of or find any great talks.

We will ask students to select and watch a certain number of lectures from the list and then write and submit a one-page summary of the talk.

Attachment Size
Seminar Video List 16.62 KB
Learning Goals

A student should be able to summarize the key points of a lecture presented by a seminar speaker.

Time Required
1 hour
Evaluation Methods

Student summaries are simply graded as complete/incomplete and are checked to see that they did in fact watch the video. If student summaries are felt to be lacking substance or incomplete, we will indicate areas they can improve on future summary reports.

Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA