Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Daniel Ashley / Spelman College on Thu, 06/22/2023 - 16:48

Rigorous treatment of the chemistry of inorganic compounds, including structure, properties, and reactions, and their interpretation in terms of quantum chemistry, and solid state chemistry; analysis with modern instrumentation.

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

This course will explore many of the fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry, with significant emphasis on group theory, molecular orbital theory, angular overlap theory, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and bio-inorganic chemistry. Specific topics will vary, but will generally include coverage of atomic structure, simple bonding theory, donor-acceptor chemistry, the crystalline solid state, coordination compounds and isomerism, electronic and infrared spectroscopy applied to inorganic complexes, substitution mechanisms, and catalysis.

Deborah Polvani / Washington & Jefferson College Mon, 06/12/2023 - 09:18

Can donor ligands make Pd(OAc)2 a stronger oxidant? (Stahl)

Submitted by Sarah Shaner / Southeast Missouri State University on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 15:29

This Literature Discussion LO was created for the 2023 ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award Winners collection. Professor Shannon Stahl was the recipient of the 2023 Organometallic Chemistry Award. This LO is based on a recent paper from the Stahl group entitled "Can Donor Ligands Make Pd(OAc)2 a Stronger Oxidant? Access to Elusive Palladium(II) Reduction Potentials and Effects of Ancillary Ligands via Palladium(II)/Hydroquinone Reox Equilibria" published in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 19678-19688.

National ACS Award Winners 2023 LO Collection

Submitted by Shirley Lin / United States Naval Academy on Mon, 03/06/2023 - 11:47

This collection of learning objects was created to celebrate the National ACS Award Winners 2023 who are members of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry. The list of award winners is shown below. 

SLiThEr #39: "Learning Object (LO) Development and Course Structuring"

In SLiThEr #39 Chip Nataro (Lafayette University) introduces us to the discussion LOs he uses in his senior-level inorganic course and the topics covered.

Matt Cranswick / Oregon State University Thu, 10/06/2022 - 15:48

Nickel-catalyzed Hydrodefluorination

Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Wed, 08/24/2022 - 12:29

This paper describes the use of a  catalytic nickel system for the hydrodefluorination of aryl amides. While organofluorine compounds are extremely useful because of their unique properties, there are growing concerns about the impact of these compounds on the environment. Carbon-fluorine bonds are extremely strong, and so getting them to react is a significant challenge for chemists.

Hydrogenative Depolymerization of Nylons

Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Tue, 08/23/2022 - 13:46

This paper describes work from the Milstein group in which ruthenium catalysts with pincer ligands are used to depolymerize nylons by breaking the C-N bond and hydrogenating the resulting products to amines and alcohols. Waste plastic is a serious environmental concern that needs a solution. Organometallic chemists put significant effort into finding ways to convert monomers into polymers, and now we must figure out ways to do the reverse.

Inorganic Chemistry I

Descriptive chemistry of the main group elements with some emphasis on the non-metals.  Transition metal compounds: aspects of bonding, spectra, and reactivity; complexes of n-acceptor ligands; organometallic compounds and their role in catalysis; metals in biological systems; preparative, analytical, and instrumental techniques. 

Rudy Luck / Michigan Technological University Wed, 08/17/2022 - 15:52
Inorganic Chemistry SC356

From the course catalog: The chemistry of the Main Group elements and the transition metals are studied with emphasis on the properties, structures, and reactivities of these elements and their compounds.


Shirley Lin / United States Naval Academy Fri, 08/12/2022 - 12:02

RSC Transition Metal Games

Submitted by Amanda Reig / Ursinus College on Wed, 08/10/2022 - 14:48

RSC has a series of chemistry games that can be downloaded from their website. The link here is specifically for games related to transition metals. There are three games (a Jeopardy! style game, a Password-style game and a Taboo-style game).  The game formats could easily be adapted to other content. You may need to sign up for a free instructor account to access the resources.