Ethics Question - Use of Student Graders

Submitted by Kim Lance / Ohio Wesleyan University on Mon, 09/13/2010 - 21:07

OK....I'm sure this has probably been discussed before but.....


For our General Chemistry Laboratory, we required the students to keep a detailed notebook (including a pre-lab, experimental work and a post-lab) that is submitted for grading each week.  The notebook constitutes the vast majority of the assessment of the student's work in the laboratory (we require three abstracts the first semester.....three abstracts and three introductions the second semester....etc. and those are also graded but probably constitute less then 10% of the overall grade in lab).



Drawing Software

Submitted by Jim Jeitler / Marietta College on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 11:37

Does anyone know of good chemical drawing software for inorganic chemistry.  In the past I have used ISIS/Draw, however with a change to Windows 7 I tried to download Symyx Draw 3.3.  I cannot figure out how to input NH3 for an ammine ligand.  I have also tried ChemSketch.  Unfortunately I cannot figure how to turn off the charge function.  The program insists on changing NH3 to NH2 and if I force it to NH3 it includes a positive charge on nitrogen (and puts a negative charge on my metal center with NH2).  Any help either with these programs or another free/shareware package is greatl


History of Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Kim Lance / Ohio Wesleyan University on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 15:01
     I have a student working in my labs this summer who is a history buff.  He is very interested to read about the history of chemistry (especially inorganic chemistry) to try and understand how we got to where we are today.  We began the discussion at about the Bronze Age and tried to move from there....but there seemed to be a lot of disconnect that I was unable to fill in.  Does anyone know of a book that traces the history of inorganic chemistry and the various paths that have been taken?  Thanks for any and all suggestions.

Biochem curriculum

Submitted by Chris Mullins / University of Kentucky on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 21:53

Hi all,

I am beginning a formal push for us to develop a BS Biochemistry area/concentration, which is different than a major at my school because it would have more hours than a major and no minor requirement.

We currently have roughly 1/3 to 1/2 of our Biology majors and 1/2 to 4/5 of our Chemistry majors as aspiring pre-meds or pre-pharm, pre-vet...thus many minor in the other major and take additional coursework to prep for their desired professional school...


Magnetic susceptibility balance

Submitted by Dave Finster / Wittenberg University on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 13:38

I am writing up a "wish list" for my inorganic chemistry lab.  I seek advice.  Johnson-Matthey has the magnetic susceptibility balance (MSB) that seems like "the standard" for educational lab.  Can anyone advise on getting the "Mark I" vs. the "Auto MSB?"  Also, do you know the approximate prices for each of these two instruments? 

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