Is 3d or 4s lower-energy in Sc and Ti? Do Sc+ and Ti+ have any 4s electrons?

Submitted by Joseph Keane / Muhlenberg College on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 19:28


Unless I am mistaken, there are gross disagreements between Miessler & Tarr (5th ed) and the analyses by W. H. Eugen Schwarz (J. Chem. Ed. 2000, 435-443 and 444-448) about the energy levels of the valence orbitals in early transition metals and, subsequently, whether there are any electrons in 4s for the M+ ions.

A popular diagram (Figure 2.12) on p. 35 of M&T shows 4s below 3d up through vanadium and 1 electron in the 4s orbitals for each of Sc+, Ti+, Mn+, and Fe+.


Web based NMR processing

Submitted by Martin Chin / University of Northern Iowa on Tue, 09/27/2022 - 13:50

I have started using this for our students to process and analyze their NMR spectral data. I love that it is web based, so the students can use it anywhere and are not restricted to the computer lab or have to download software. I think they have worked out (or are working out) the kinks for handling JEOL data. I am not sure how it does with Bruker data. I assume it works fine for Bruker data.


New edition of my textbook Principles of Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Brian Pfennig / Ursinus College on Fri, 01/21/2022 - 13:37

A new edition of my textbook Principles of Inorganic Chemistry (2e) is now available on the Wiley website. You are welcome to request a digital examination copy at this site. For instructors who adopt the textbook, you can also download a Solutions Guide to the end of chapter problems. The second edition is more suitable for use at the undergraduate level than was the first and has been rewritten to have a more engaging and conversive style. The structure of the chapters has also changed. Please check it out. 


ambidentate ligands - kinetics versus thermodynamics

Submitted by Joshua Telser / Roosevelt University on Fri, 04/23/2021 - 12:37

I scanned through the forums that came up with "kinetics" and could not find what I am looking for, but I know VIPEr people know the answer to this question: I am looking for an example of kinetics versus thermodynamics control of an ambidentate ligand, i.e., M + XY ---> M-XY initially (kinetics control) ---> M-YX (eventually, thermodynamic product). Any examples of M and XY (obviously "XY" is generic, could be SCN-, et al.)?


Help Getting teaching 2nd Semester Advananced Inorganic

Submitted by Lary / Wright State University on Fri, 01/15/2021 - 12:44

I am just starting teaching our 2nd semester Advanced Inorganic chemistry Course.  Essentially, the only information I received from my predecessor is that we use Miessler and teach chapters 10,11, 12,13, and 14.  I have the slides from the publisher.  Students have all had P.Chem. and the first semester Chapters 1-9 and are mostly seniors.


Need help with mechanism based research ideas for senior inorganic lab.

Submitted by Tim Herzog / Weber State University on Mon, 12/21/2020 - 10:32

In my senior level inorganic lab, I've tried to incorporate full semester research projects.  Since I love synthesis, I have tended to assign synthetic projects.  Students have learned a lot during these experiences, but there are the obvious challenges of multistep synthetic work in a 3 hour a week lab. I'd like to try to develop projects that are more mechanistic in nature, but am struggling to come up with ideas that are both compelling and achievable.  We will be working in lab this spring with social distancing and some restrictions, but should be able to do all the things we normally
