Communication-style lab reports

Submitted by Rebecca M. Jones / George Mason University on Mon, 03/14/2011 - 15:52

For the past four years, I have required my inorganic students to write short 3-page formal lab reports in the form of communication to the Journal of the American Chemical Society.  This exercise has relieved some of the stress on my students who are writing reports of other science classes and simplified my grading.  Using Jeffrey Kovac's Writing Across the Chemistry Curriculum: An Instructor's Handbook as a starting point, I have developed a rubric to provide qualitative feedback to the stu

Exploring Photographic Chemistry

Submitted by Rebecca M. Jones / George Mason University on Wed, 03/09/2011 - 15:27
This set of experiments is a fun way for students to be experience interesting redox chemistry.  I have taught this series of experiments in my first semester junior level inorganic class for the past 5 years.  In part 1, students create salted paper prints with different binders.  Part 2 involves the synthesis of Prussian blue as cyanotypes are formed on paper and cloth.  In part 3, students design t

Pigment Syntheses and Qualitative Analysis

Submitted by Rebecca M. Jones / George Mason University on Wed, 03/09/2011 - 15:13

This set of experiments provides an introduction to simple inorganic synthesis and qualitative analysis of inorganic pigments.  I have taught this series of experiments in my first semester junior level inorganic class for the past 5 years.  In part 1, students synthesize five inorganic pigments.  Part 2 involves identifying an unknown inorganic white pigment by chemical and physical tests.  These

The History of the 18-Electron Rule

Submitted by Sibrina Collins / College of Arts and Sciences at Lawrence Technological University on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 14:58

This learning object focuses on fundamental concepts of organometallic chemistry. I use an article published in the Journal of Chemical Education (Jensen, W.B. "The Origin of the 18-Electron Rule," J. Chem. Educ.

Student Literature-Based Organometallic Lecture

Submitted by Jeffrey Rood / Elizabethtown College on Mon, 01/03/2011 - 14:42
I taught an advanced inorganic chemistry course for the first time this past fall. I focused strictly on organometallic chemistry and we used Spessard and Miessler's book. Because this book is focused on transition metal organometallics, I wanted the students to appreciate some of the organometallic chemistry of the s- and p-block (and zinc). Students worked in pairs (the class size was 12) and had most of the semester to research the literature and develop a 40-50 minute lecture. I also had them develop homework questions and an in class activity to help engage the other students.

12 Slides About African American Contributions to the Chemical Sciences

Submitted by Sibrina Collins / College of Arts and Sciences at Lawrence Technological University on Wed, 07/21/2010 - 23:53

This presentation provides a brief overview of the contributions of five AfricanAmerican chemists, including two inorganic chemists. George Washington Carver is quite often themost celebrated African American chemist (soil chemist), but he is only one individual! There are many other African Americans that have made important and significant contributions to the chemical sciences. The profiles include inorganic chemists, namely, Professor Gregory H. Robinson, University of Georgia and Dr. Novella Bridges, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).

Formal NSF Styled Proposal Writing in Preparation for Original Multi-Week Laboratory Projects

Submitted by Lon Porter / Wabash College on Sat, 07/17/2010 - 13:23

The advanced inorganic chemistry course is completed by all chemistry majors at Wabash College during the fall of their senior year. The capstone character of the course provides an excellent opportunity for utilizing an investigator model of laboratory learning. Student teams are responsible for the preparation of a formal, National Science Foundation (NSF) styled proposal stating the goals, context, experimental timetable, safety considerations, and budget for the execution of an original laboratory project.

Organometallics and Named Reactions

Submitted by Laurel Goj Habgood / Rollins College on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 18:38
A list of named reactions involving transition metal-complexes is provided to the class and the students present a brief overview of each which includes the original paper and a current application.

Descriptive Chemistry Wikipedia project

Submitted by Lori Watson / Earlham College on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 16:11

Students select, research, and then post an article on an inorganic compound to Wikipedia. The compounds are chosen from a list of “stubs” (short articles that need to be expanded) found at and might include such items as the synthesis, processes of isolation, structure, interesting facts about the compound in history, and/or an application of the compound.

Google Docs for Summer Research

Submitted by Hilary Eppley / DePauw University on Thu, 06/10/2010 - 08:51

I am using Google Docs in my research lab for a variety of purposes, and I thought it might be helpful to share how I am using them. Google docs allows simulataneous editing by multiple people, and everyone needs a Google ID to do that.   My research group and I are using one document to write up research results in paper format, one document to keep track of weekly goals, one document for general instrumentation and experimental technique trouble-shooting, and one to keep track of any work that occurs after hours when I am not around.