Trends in Measured Redox Potentials and Computed Molecular Orbital Energies of Derivatized Buckminsterfullerenes

Submitted by Robert Q. Topper / Cooper Union on Tue, 06/25/2013 - 01:55

In this project students are asked to reproduce published calculations of molecular orbital energies of a series of derivatized fullerenes and correlate them with published reduction and oxidation potentials obtained from cyclic voltammetry. The particular subset of the derivatives to be studied are chosen by the student and this choice is part of the learning activity. The students then carry out additional calculations using other theoretical models to see whether they improve the correlation between computed and experimental properties.

A DFT Study of Metal Pentacarbonyls

Submitted by Sibrina Collins / College of Arts and Sciences at Lawrence Technological University on Thu, 05/09/2013 - 16:57

Metal carbonyls are the most widely studied organometallic complexes.  This exercise uses Gaussian with the GaussView interface to investigate the role of the metal centers on backbonding to the CO ligand. Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods were used to evaluate two classic metal pentacarbonyls, namely Fe(CO)5 and Ru(CO)5.


MO Theory for Organometallic Compounds: Pentalene

Submitted by Zachary Tonzetich / University of Texas at San Antonio on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 16:54

This is an in-class exercise for upper level inorganic students designed to highlight aspects of symmetry, group theory, MO theory, and Hückel theory. The exercise is an expansion of a Problem Set question I give to my Advanced Inorganic Chemistry class. In this activity, students will develop the MO diagram for the π system of the pentalene dianion using the Hückel approach. They will then consider the effect of folding the ring system using a Walsh diagram.

Soluble Methane Monooxgenase Spectroscopy

Submitted by Gerard Rowe / University of South Carolina Aiken on Fri, 07/20/2012 - 09:37

Determining the reactive intermediates in metalloenzymes is a very involved task, and requires drawing from many different spectroscopies and physical methods.  The facile activation and oxidation of methane to produce methanol is one of the "holy grails" of inorganic chemistry.  Strategies exist within materials science and organometallic chemistry to activate methane, but using the enzyme methane monooxygenase, nature is able to carry out this difficult reaction at ambient temperatures and pressures (and in water, too!).

Manganese carbonyl calculation addition

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Mon, 10/03/2011 - 01:00

This is an addendum to the Manganese Carbonyl experiment (linked below).  In this part of the experiment, students carry out high level quantum mechanical calculations of reactants, intermediates, and products in order to determine which of two possible structures is correct.

Generating LGOs and constructing MO diagrams - pencast

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 14:26

My technique for constructing MO diagrams is based on (and significantly simplified from) that of Verkade.  While I find it works well in my classroom for my students, they benefit from careful step-by-step instruction of the method through several weeks of in-class exercises.  This LO has links to pencasts where I go through three easy examples that demonstrate the technique, as well has how I handle lone pairs by this method.  As transition metal complexes don’t have stereochemically active lone pairs, they are often easier to deal with than even something seemingly as simple as water!

Constructing MO diagrams

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 14:11

I use this in-class exercise after I have taught the students how to construct LGOs using the generator orbital technique.  The previous week, they do an in-class exercise on that topic, and this week, they use the LGOs from the previous week to construct MO diagrams.

hybrid orbitals for main group and transition metal complexes

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Tue, 03/08/2011 - 22:58
This handout shows how the s, p and d orbitals of appropriate symmetry can mix in Cnv and Dnh point groups (n = 3-4). A high-level Gaussian calculation serves to "back up" my "back-of-the-envelope" drawings of some of the hybrid orbitals.

Molecular Orbital Diagrams

Submitted by Adam Bridgeman / The University of Sydney on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 03:51

Flash based tools to help with the construction of MO diagrams:

  • "energy levels" shows how the form of the bonding and antibonding orbitals, the bond order and atomic charges vary in a diatomic molecule with the electronegativity of the two atoms involved
  • "Molecular orbital diagram maker" shows how a complex MO diagram can be made by a drag and drop approach using symmetry adapted components