3-yr Visiting Assistant Professor in Inorganic/Materials/Analytical Chemistry

Submitted by Chris Goh / Williams College on Wed, 02/19/2014 - 14:05

Three-Year Visiting Assistant Professor

The Williams College Chemistry Department invites applications for a three-year assistant visiting professor position beginning July 2014 in the general areas of inorganic, materials, or analytical chemistry. Teaching responsibilities typically include three hours of lecture and two afternoons of lab per week. Specific courses each year will likely include two of the following four offerings: inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, instrumental methods of analysis, or general chemistry. A Ph.D.


Job hunting as a post doc

Submitted by Flo / Slytherin' State on Mon, 02/03/2014 - 12:32

A question from an anonymous post doc...

"When your department has a tenure track opening do you send a member of the search committee to the ACS AEI poster session? What about when you are looking for visiting or adjunct faculty?"

I am sure the community has lots of different perspectives on this one.




DIC elections

Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Thu, 10/24/2013 - 09:41

You hopefully received an e-mail with a link to the DIC ballot. Please don't forget to take the time to vote for officers. The DIC has been a very generous supporter of IONiC and VIPEr historically and let's make sure that the community continues to have a voice in DIC governance.


Call for Papers - "Developing Inorganic Curriculum at the Undergraduate Level" - 247th National Meeting of the ACS

Submitted by Bryan Sears / Emmanuel College on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 11:30

Dear Colleague,

 I am writing you to call your attention to a planned symposia entitled "Developing Inorganic Curriculum at the Undergraduate Level" at  upcoming the 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Dallas, TX March 16-20 2014 . 


underrepresented in science: material to begin a conversation

Submitted by Margaret Scheuermann / Western Washington University on Mon, 08/05/2013 - 13:47

A former supervisor of mine, Polly Arnold (Edinburgh), is launching a short film and book about women in science. Details can be found at: http://chemicalimbalance.co.uk/

I thought it would be useful to have a thread gethering resources that might be of interest to students and faculty looking to begin conversations about diversity and underrepresentation of various groups within their departments. 

