Submitted by Stosh / Los Alamos National Laboratory on Wed, 02/26/2014 - 09:48
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NFUSS 2014 Flyer-sm.pdf 3.38 MB

Registration is currently open.

University of Missouri, Columbia June 9th through July 18th, 2014.

How to apply
Undergraduate students specializing in the physical sciences are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Applicant must submit in pdf format:

  • Cover letter (Please address the following questions in your cover letter. Why are you interested in this program? How would you benefit from this program? What are your career goals and how does this program relate to them?),
  • Resume (please remove social security number and birthdate if applicable),
  • University transcript (unofficial transcript is ok, include a spring 2014 schedule), and
  • One letter of recommendation from a faculty member or technical reference. If the letter writer wishes to submit this independent of your application, have him or her email it to with the words "NFUSS Application" in the title.

Submitt all applications materials to All attached documents must be submitted in pdf format.

Your email should contain: Your name/Your mailing address/Your institution/Your year in school/Your GPA. Attach in PDF format your cover letter/your transcript (unofficial OK)/your resume. One letter of reference may be submitted either with the application or separately to

Application Deadline is March 15th, 2014.

Students will be notified of selection by March 29th, 2014.

Student Stipend
Each student will receive housing, one meal per day Monday through Friday and a $5,000 stipend. A portion of the stipend will be used to cover travel costs to and from MU.