Features you'd like to see on VIPEr?

Submitted by Hilary Eppley / DePauw University on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 15:41
Hi VIPEr users, As we are currently getting ready to release VIPEr 1.1 and starting the planning process for what improvements we'd like to make in VIPEr 2.0, we'd like your input! Any suggestions on how to make the site more useful, more user friendly, or easier to navigate? We'd appreciate any ideas you might have! --Hilary

Summer Research in a Center for Chemical Innovation

Submitted by Eve Perara / University of Washington on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 19:59
The Center for Enabling New Technologies through Catalysis (CENTC), a NSF funded Center for Chemical Innovation, invites applications for its 2009 Undergraduate Summer Research Program.  Fellowships are available which provide competitive stipends as well as compensation for travel and housing.  Students may choose to work in any one of 16 different research groups at 12 institutions in the US and Canada.  Program is 8-10 weeks with flexible starting dates depending on institution and includes research in a nationally known lab, career development activities with peers and mentors throughou

NSF-REU at Harvey Mudd College

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 17:54
The research program at Harvey Mudd College begins tentatively, May 26, 2009, and runs for ten weeks. Participants will receive a stipend (depending on class year) , however a housing subsidy is not offered. Off-campus students may receive a travel allowance depending on travel distance. Harvey Mudd College is a private, undergraduate college of science and engineering located in Claremont, California, about one hour east of Los Angeles. Application information and more details can be found here:



National Chemistry Video Competition

Submitted by Barbara Reisner / James Madison University on Mon, 11/03/2008 - 07:17

Ray Schaack at Penn State University has alerted me to this great opportunity for high school students and undergraduates.  Details of this project can be found on the program flyer (text copied below), as well as on the website:  http://reseach.chem.psu.edu/resgroup/chemistryvideos.html.  Eligible students can work either by themselves, or preferably in small teams, along with the supervision of a chemistry mentor (teacher, instructor, professor).  Students are encouraged to email us to declare their intent  to s


Spring Semester Inorganic Teaching Opportunity at IUPUI in Indianapolis

Submitted by Hilary Eppley / DePauw University on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 10:13
IUPUI in Indy needs to identify someone to teach a senior-level undergraduate Inorganic course and the associated lab this upcoming semester. If you know of someone, or have access to an address list that could help make the right connection, please forward this email.

Anyone interested should contact Dr. Jay Siegel, Chair-Dept of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at jasiegel@iupui.edu or by phone (317) 274-6883.

Advances in Inorganic Teaching Symposium - ACS Salt Lake City

Submitted by Keith Walters / Northern Kentucky University on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 17:21

Hello all,

Just wanted to let you know that there will be a "home" for inorganic education at ACS next spring. I'm organizing a symposium on "Advances in Teaching Inorganic Chemistry" symposium cosponsored by the CHED and INOR divisions. Hopefully there will be lots of interest in the community for us to share more thoughts and best practices for teaching the central science of the central science. It would be great for VIPEr to be represented there as well!
