NSF-funded study on the teaching and learning of symmetry

Submitted by Sam Pazicni / University of Wisconsin -- Madison on Fri, 02/03/2023 - 11:53

Hi everyone! We're currently recruiting inorganic chemistry course instructors (for the Fall 2023 semester and beyond) for a large-scale study aimed at exploring the teaching and learning of symmetry. The end goal of this project is to generate evidence-based recommendations and resources for teaching and learning symmetry.

CCDC license

Hi everyone,

I am interested in all CCDC programs licenses. was wondering if you know of a way to access it or purchase as a group of PI's?



Ariela Kaspi-Kaneti / University of La Verne Wed, 10/19/2022 - 16:56
Workshop on crystal structure determination from X-ray powder diffraction at Old Dominion University

I will be offering a workshop on crystal structure determination from X-ray powder diffraction (laboratory and synchrotron) using free-distribution software such as EXPO2014 and winPSSP, on November 5-6, 2022 (Saturday and Sunday), at Old Dominion University. Rietveld analysis using GSAS and GSAS-II will be briefly discussed.  Website: https://sites.wp.odu.edu/sdpd/ . Registration (by zoom) is free. 

SILVINA PAGOLA / Old Dominion University Tue, 03/08/2022 - 16:34
Hi i am new here

Hi i am new here

Ahemmed / NUYA Mon, 11/01/2021 - 02:10
Spectroscopy Uv-Vis

Hello, this is my first once in the foroum

I´m interesting in learn about spectroscopy ultraviolet visible, i want know, how  can i  obtain the equilibrium constants of metal complexes using the spectrophotometer? 

if  you can say me good bibliography that i can use. thanks you.

Daniel / universidad del Valle Thu, 02/25/2021 - 09:28
Ionic and molecular compounds

What is the difference between Ionic and molecular compounds?

Palmer / engineer Thu, 10/22/2020 - 07:11
Potassium graphite
All of the syntheses seem to use argon. Do you know if you can use nitrogen as the inert gas in making potassium graphite? Thanks, Martin
Martin Chin / University of Northern Iowa Thu, 03/26/2020 - 21:04

apparatus for sealing air-sensitive material into an ampoule

Submitted by Cameron Gren / University of North Alabama on Thu, 05/16/2019 - 17:43

I work with air-sensitive organometallic compounds When I was in graduate school, we used to send off samples for x-ray crystallography in ampules that we would seal using a little apparatus. It was essntially a screw cap with a hole and an o-ring that you would put around the ampoule. That would then screw onto (I think) a threaded glass adapter with a ground-glass joint on the other end that you would put a gas inlet onto. All of this could be done in the glove box, then brought out and put on the Schlenk line. I seem to remember pulling a slight vacuum before sealing it.

Helium Recovery

Can anyone recommend a compact commercially available helium-recovery system that is appropriate for a single 400 MHz NMR spectrometer?  I strongly suspect this is beyond our budgetary means, but given the direction of things, I feel like I should at least confirm that fact.  Any thought/suggestions welcome.  

Joseph Keane / Muhlenberg College Thu, 04/18/2019 - 10:57
grants office versus consultants

Our liberal arts college has had a grants office staffed by two part-time people for the past decade plus.  As you would guess, they assisted with proposal writing, budget preparation and proposal submission for external proposals from any department on campus.  For budgetary reasons this office was recently eliminated.  There has been discussion that external consultants would be hired to assist with larger proposals (but we would be on our own for smaller ones).  Does anyone have experience (positive or negative) with using external consultants in this way?

Brian Johnson / St. John's University/College of St. Benedict Mon, 06/25/2018 - 13:00