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Title Author LO Type Subdiscipline Level Created Sort ascending
Chapter 11--Stanley Organometallics George Stanley / Louisiana State University Five Slides About Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-08-14
Chapter 10--Stanley Organometallics George Stanley / Louisiana State University Five Slides About Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-08-14
Chapter 9--Stanley Organometallics George Stanley / Louisiana State University Five Slides About Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-08-14
Chapter 8--Stanley Organometallics George Stanley / Louisiana State University Five Slides About Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-08-14
Catalysis: Iron-catalyzed Arylation of Alkyl Halides Brad Wile / Ohio Northern University Lab Experiment Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-06-09
Introduction to Agostic Interactions Emma Downs / Fitchburg State University Five Slides About Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-06-03
Literature Discussion of R3CH→ SiFR3 Agostic Interactions tgupta / South Dakota State University Literature Discussion Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2017-06-03
Fivefold Bonding in a Cr(I) Dimer Updated and Expanded T Brown / SUNY Oswego Literature Discussion Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2017-06-03
Ligand based reductive elimination from a thorium compound Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Literature Discussion Coordination Chemistry, f-block Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-05-23
Johnson Matthey Catalytic Reaction Guide Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn Web Resources and Apps Bioinorganic Chemistry, f-block Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-04-11
In-class peer review Chantal Stieber / Cal Poly Pomona Literature Discussion Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, f-block Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources, Solid State and Materials Chemistry Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2017-03-03
Reactivity and Bonding of Complexes with Metal-Metal Bonds Chantal Stieber / Cal Poly Pomona Literature Discussion Coordination Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-03-01
Diverting Wilkinson's Catalyst: Critical Analysis of a Literature Paper Matt Whited / Carleton College Literature Discussion Coordination Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2017-02-21
Iron Catalysts for Lactide Polymerization Anthony L. Fernandez / Merrimack College Literature Discussion Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2017-01-27
Guiding questions for: Redox-Controlled Polymerization of Lactide Catalyzed by Bis(imino)pyridine Iron Bis(alkoxide) Complexes Abby O'Connor / The College of New Jersey Literature Discussion Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-01-27
Synthesis and reactivity of palladium and platinum carbenes Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Literature Discussion Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-01-25
Reactivity of a platinum benzyne compound Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Literature Discussion Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-01-23
Nucleophilic attack at an iridium arene Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Literature Discussion Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-01-19
Reactions of Cp*2Zr(2,3-dimethylbutadiene) Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Literature Discussion Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2017-01-17
Ruthenium catalyzed transfer hydrogenation Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Literature Discussion Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2017-01-13