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Title Author Additional Authors LO Type Subdiscipline Level Created
Guided Literature Reading and Discussion: Synthesis & Characterization of Reduced Borafluorene Monoanions Elaine E. L.-N. Liu / Utica University Lauren VanGelder / Norfolk State University, Daniel Ashley / Spelman College, Chris Whitehead / Union College, Marsha D. Massey / University of Central Arkansas Literature Discussion Main Group Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-30
Stable Borepinium and Borafluorenium Heterocycles: A Reversible Thermochromic “Switch” Based on Boron–Oxygen Interactions by Robert J. Gilliard Jr. Niharika K Botcha / Carnegie Mellon University Deborah Polvani / Washington & Jefferson College, Irene Ogutu / Regis University, Fasil Abebe / Morgan State University, Cody Webb Jr / Hartwick College Literature Discussion Coordination Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-30
2023 Content Building Workshop - Morgan State University Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Fasil Abebe / Morgan State University, Daniel Ashley / Spelman College, Niharika K Botcha / Carnegie Mellon University, Matthew Buck / United States Naval Academy, Jean Dupon / Coastline Community College, Denise Femia / La Salle University, Rob Green / Alabama State University, Viridiana Herrera / Lincoln University, Ariela Kaspi-Kaneti / University of La Verne, Marsha D. Massey / University of Central Arkansas, Jaime Murphy / Harding University, Elaine E. L.-N. Liu / Utica University, Santosh Mandal / Morgan State University / Chemistry Department, Irene Ogutu / Regis University, Deborah Polvani / Washington & Jefferson College, Lauren VanGelder / Norfolk State University, Cody Webb Jr / Hartwick College, Chris Whitehead / Union College, Nicole Crowder / University of Mary Washington, Shirley Lin / United States Naval Academy Collection Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-27
Inorganic Chemistry Daniel Ashley / Spelman College Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-22
Examination and Classification of Molecular Symmetry Ben Lovaasen / Wheaton College (IL) Lab Experiment Molecular Structure and Bonding Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-22
Advanced Organic Chemistry (Spectroscopy) Fasil Abebe / Morgan State University Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-21
IONiC VIPEr: The Catalyst I Want; The Semiconductor I Need Stephanie Poland / Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Fellows Reflections 2023-06-21
A Strategy for Group Discussions of a Literature Paper: Roles That Rotate and Foster Different Skills Laurel Goj Habgood / Rollins College Literature Discussion Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-21
Balloon Built Molecular Orbitals Darren Achey / Kutztown University In-Class Activity Molecular Structure and Bonding First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-21
SLiThEr #51: Chemistry applications of Desmos Chip Nataro / Lafayette College VIPEr BITeS 2023-06-19
Anticipation Ben Lovaasen / Wheaton College (IL) Fellows Reflections 2023-06-16
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Cody Webb Jr / Hartwick College Syllabus Second year 2023-06-14
Inorganic Chemistry I Cody Webb Jr / Hartwick College Syllabus Second year 2023-06-14
Inorganic Chemistry Jaime Murphy / Harding University Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-12
Materials Chemistry Deborah Polvani / Washington & Jefferson College Syllabus Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-12
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Deborah Polvani / Washington & Jefferson College Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-12
Atomic Orbital Representations and the Orbitron Andrea Van Duzor / Chicago State University In-Class Activity Atomic Structure and Periodicity Second year 2023-06-09
New to VIPEr Hilary Eppley / DePauw University Page 2023-06-08
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lauren VanGelder / Norfolk State University Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2023-06-07
SLiThEr #Sn: Experiential Learning in Large Lecture Chemistry Courses: Mission Impossible? Kari Stone / Lewis University VIPEr BITeS 2023-05-31