The 2018 NSF-CHE Early Career Investigator Workshop will be held March 26–27, 2018 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Alexandria, VA. The workshop will gather early-career chemistry faculty from all types of academic institutions with the goal of helping participants gain better insight into the proposal review process and valuable tips for preparing more competitive proposals to NSF-CAREER, other NSF programs, and other federal agencies. Group activities will revolve around formulation and evaluation of NSF CAREER proposals and will provide valuable networking opportunities with NSF and non-NSF program officers, funded NSF investigators, and other junior faculty. The workshop is expected to have 100 participants and will be open to junior faculty members conducting research in areas that are supported by the NSF Division of Chemistry and who have not served as a lead PI on a federally-funded research grant (not including REU, MRI, or postdoctoral training grants). For more details, including an online application, please visit: