Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Tue, 12/27/2016 - 11:32

Good news, the site is back and functioning well. Bad news, well, let me give you the full story we got.

"On Friday 12/23 there was an outage at the data center where the website is hosted. BlackMesh support was able to restore the site from a backup. Unfortunately there had been an issue with the backup processes for a few days before that, and the most recent error-free backup was from early the morning of 12/19."

What does that mean? If you posted anything to the site between 12/19 and 12/27 it has vanished into nothingness. For that we greatly apologize. We would certainly appreciate it if you were able to recreate anything that may have been lost, be it a learning object, forum post, comments, etc. Again, sorry for the technical glitch. Best wishes for a great start to 2017.