I know it isn't exactly the due date yet, but I wanted to remind you that October 31st is the deadline for submitting an abstract for the DIC. I have a feeling that overall submissions are a bit lower than expected at this point seeing how I recently got a reminder from Steve Koch about getting people to submit abstracts. If you want to submit to our Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry poster or oral sessions, click here. At the time of writing this we have a grand total of five submissions and three of them are from me. If you are worried about needing an invitation to submit for one of the oral sessions, consider this your invitation. As a reminder, we typically limit oral presentations to one per research group. I also want to remind you that these sessions are part of the DIC and to remain in their good graces we expect the talks to be highly polished and present high quality work. Undergaduates are more than welcome to give oral presentations in these sessions, but we want to encourage you to keep these standards in mind as they submit abstracts and prepare for their talks. We will be having our traditional Monday social hour (more details when it gets closer) and I look forward to seeing many of you in April.