On behalf of IONiC (The Interactive Online Network of Inorganic Chemists) and the Division of Inorganic Chemistry (DIC), I would like to invite you to participate in the eighth annual "Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry" Symposium and Poster Session to be held at the Spring 2015 ACS National Meeting in Denver, CO. This symposium has been a tremendous success both for the DIC and for the IONiC community in the past, and I expect another great series of talks and posters again this coming spring.
This session, which includes both oral and poster presentations, is dedicated to highlighting the work of undergraduate investigators. While faculty presenting their work with undergraduates make up the large majority of oral presentations, a small number of exceptional undergraduates will be invited to speak in our session as well. The poster session is an excellent outlet for undergraduates to present their research in the INOR division, which gives them higher visibility in the inorganic community and to potential future colleagues in graduate school and industry.
The last seven symposia and poster sessions (New Orleans (’08 and ‘13), Salt Lake City (’09), San Francisco (’10), Anaheim ('11), San Diego ('12) and Dallas (‘14)) have generated intense excitement and have been well attended by members of the inorganic chemistry community. As the interest in these sessions has grown, the organizers have been forced to make some very difficult decisions when scheduling talks. Oral presentations will most likely be limited to one per research group and we cannot guarantee all members of the community an opportunity to speak. Please contact me by email if you have specific questions regarding an oral presentation.
For both oral and poster presentations, please submit your abstract in the Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry Symposium in the INOR Division. The deadline for abstract submission for the INOR division at this meeting is Monday, October 20th.
In addition to our oral and poster presentations, IONiC will sponsor a social hour, most likely Monday evening. We will provide food and non-alcoholic beverages, while you will provide the wonderful conversations like those we had last year in Dallas. Students, especially those giving oral and poster presentations, are welcome to attend. Details will be provide through BITeS and social media as we get closer to this event.
The leadership council of IONiC will also take the opportunity to remember Maggie Geselbracht at this meeting. IONiC and VIPEr would not be what they are today without Maggie and it is fitting that we pause to thank her and remember all she means to our community.
I am looking forward to seeing many of you in Denver.