Submitted by Megan Strayer / The Pennsylvania State University on Thu, 06/27/2013 - 15:35
My Notes

This 5 slides about gives a basic introduction to synchrotron radiation.  Information includes how the particles are accelerated, how they travel to the individual instruments, and where synchrotrons in the USA are located.

Attachment Size
Intro to synchrotron radiation.pptx 1.53 MB
Learning Goals

After going over the slides, students will be able to:

  1. Explain how the synchrotron energy is generated.
  2. List experimental techniques that use synchrotron radiation.
  3. Construct a list of the pros and cons of synchrotron radiation and use that knowledge to determine if a specific synchrotron experiment is worth pursuing.
Implementation Notes

These slides can be used to give students an idea of the basic concepts of synchrotron radiation. After going through the slides, a helpful exercise is to give the students an experiment and have them weigh the pros and cons of using synctroton radiation for the experiment versus a more traditional approach. For example, would it be worthwhile to use synchrotron radiation to obtain X-ray diffraction data on 30 nm crystalline particles? How about 2 nm crystalline particles?  Amorphous particles?

Time Required
One class period
Evaluation Methods

Students could work in small groups to determine what kind of experiments are worthwhile to submit an abstract to a synchrotron source and which experiments would be sufficient to run without the synchrotron radiation.

Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA
Copper / University of Central Arkansas

In my College ChemII class, the last chapter is nuclear chemistry. When I application of nuclear chemistry, I actually adapted some of the materials form this LO. I mainly focuses on the linear accelarator lab at Stanford since I had some working experience there, but I showed my students the pictures of circular accelerator and explained how it works. Overall, I like the LO because it's quite informative and precise. I think if the linear accelerator can be added to the LO, it will be better.

Thu, 01/15/2015 - 14:30 Permalink