Submitted by Betsy Jamieson / Smith College on Tue, 02/09/2010 - 10:06

There's a professor in Biology here at Smith who has been using Lecture Capture technology.  You can see his video speaking about his experience on YouTube (search Michael Baresi and Smith). I tried posting just the link here, but it didn't seem to work right.  Hopefully the video isn't just something you can see from Smith. 

 I am a bit skeptical about using it.  I was wondering if anyone out there is using it and, if so, what their experiences have been with it.

Barbara Reisner / James Madison University
Due to the record snows here this year, I lost three days of classes and elected to make most of them up by using lecture capture software and putting it on JMUtube. (We have our own platform for broadcasting lectures.) The program we have available on campus is Camtasia. It captures my voice and syncs it with powerpoints. I have the ability to write on my powerpoints using Smart Board hardware and software. All of my recordings were done in a room without students because they were to make up classes. Later this week, I intend to record one of my lectures in the classroom to see how that goes. I found technology very easy to use. Although I haven't yet collected data from my students, the few responses that I've from them have been positive. The comments I've heard are that they like being able to pause and work out problems for themselves and they like being able to go back and review things that they find complicated. The only negative comment that I've heard is that a student a little bit funny listening to me through headphones ; she said it was just a bit too personal (although she could live with it because it helped her learning). Later in the semester, I'll be doing a survey to get a more accurate picture of student responses to this technology. I'll post a follow-up when I have a bit more information.
Mon, 02/22/2010 - 20:32 Permalink