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Title Sort descending Author LO Type Subdiscipline Level Created
Chemical Acrostics for Fun and Active Learning Charles Mebi / Arkansas Tech University In-Class Activity Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Second year 2013-06-25
Chemical Information Available on the Web Matthew Riehl / Minnesota State University, Mankato In-Class Activity Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year 2016-06-30
Chemistry Bingo Generator Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year 2009-09-08
Chemistry Ethics Discussion: Professor Americium and the Case of the Dreaded Kink Hilary Eppley / DePauw University In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2011-07-08
Chemistry Icebreakers Anne Bentley / Lewis & Clark College In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2020-08-15
Chemistry Infographics from Compound Interest Darren Achey / Kutztown University Web Resources and Apps Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2015-06-30
Citing and Finding Chemical Literature Library Activity Jezmynne / Claremont University Consortium In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year 2009-02-24
Cmap: Concept Mapping Tool Amanda Reig / Ursinus College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2013-06-27
Colored Note Cards as a Quick and Cheap Substitute for Clickers Chris Bradley / Mount St. Mary's University In-Class Activity Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2012-07-17
Communication-style lab reports Rebecca M. Jones / George Mason University In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2011-03-14
CompChem 01: Creating a Basis Set Joanne Stewart / Hope College In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-20
CompChem 02: Introduction to WebMO Joanne Stewart / Hope College In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-20
CompChem 03: Choice of Theoretical Method Joanne Stewart / Hope College In-Class Activity Molecular Structure and Bonding, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-20
CompChem 04: Single Point Energies and Geometry Optimizations Joanne Stewart / Hope College In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-21
CompChem 05: Infrared, Thermochemistry, UV-Vis, and NMR Joanne Stewart / Hope College In-Class Activity Molecular Structure and Bonding, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-23
CompChem 06: Electron Densities, Electrostatic Potentials, and Reactivity Indices Joanne Stewart / Hope College In-Class Activity Molecular Structure and Bonding, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-22
Comprehensive Character Tables and Reducible Representation Tool Austin Scharf / Oxford College of Emory University Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2012-01-11
Copper Oxide Crystal Growth Ellen Steinmiller / University of Dallas Literature Discussion Electrochemistry, Nanochemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources, Solid State and Materials Chemistry Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2015-06-29
Creating Accessible Documents, pdfs, and Slides - Web Resources and Checklists Nicole Crowder / University of Mary Washington Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2021-06-10
d-Orbital games Patricia Stan / Taylor University Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year 2020-08-17