Submitted by Jezmynne / Claremont University Consortium on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 18:45
My Notes

This assignment will orient new students to searching and finding chemical literature and effectively citing said literature.  The library session focuses on the semantics of the ACS style, overviews appropriate indexing/searching tools, and has students search and find two citations for a future lab assignment for their chemistry class.  

Attachment Size
citingchemlitLO.doc 27 KB
Learning Goals
  • Students should be able to correctly cite chemical literature reference in text and in a bibliography
  • Students should be able to navigate and search in chemical literature indexing databases for materials for research
Equipment needs
  • Internet connection
  • Web browser
  • Access to library resources
Implementation Notes
  • Work with your local chemistry or science librarian to determine the best library resources for this assignment
Time Required
1 hour


Evaluation Methods
  • Students turn in citations and citing sentences for chemical literature found during the learning session
Creative Commons License