We all hate it...yet we all need it. Short of buying IUPAC's two versions of the Little Red Book, do people know of good resources? There's the Wikipedia page on the 2005 "reforms" here:…
Oh, heaven forfend! I'd rather rip my still-beating heart from my own chest with my bare hands than teach out of a nomenclature book!
I find that the "chlorido-, ammino-, aquo-" table in every inorganic textbook and cis/trans/mer/fac/eta is about all the nomenclature I can take.
I think I'll put the Wiki link in my syllabus, because, damn it, there are times when you absolutely, positively, have to name something overnight, and if they turn in a formal lab report, or write a thesis, they ought to get the nomenclature right. But I certainly hope IUPAC stormtroopers don't arrive at my institution and force me to teach real nomenclature. I'll leave the field and become a plumber.