Google Docs for Summer Research

Submitted by Hilary Eppley / DePauw University on Thu, 06/10/2010 - 08:51

I am using Google Docs in my research lab for a variety of purposes, and I thought it might be helpful to share how I am using them. Google docs allows simulataneous editing by multiple people, and everyone needs a Google ID to do that.   My research group and I are using one document to write up research results in paper format, one document to keep track of weekly goals, one document for general instrumentation and experimental technique trouble-shooting, and one to keep track of any work that occurs after hours when I am not around.   

ACS Meeting Content- Slides and Audio

Submitted by Margaret Scheuermann / Western Washington University on Sat, 05/15/2010 - 23:08

The ACS has posted slides and audio for selected talks from recent national meetings. Students have the opportunity to listen to talks by research leaders whose work may relate to a topic discussed in class or to an undergraduate research project. This will also be a great resource for students who are gathering information about potential graduate research groups.

Introduction to the Synthesis and Properties of Nanoparticles

Submitted by Brian Johnson / St. John's University/College of St. Benedict on Fri, 04/30/2010 - 09:59

This activity leads students through the synthesis of compound nanoparticles and examines how key physical properties such as band gap vary with particle size.  Prior to doing this, students should have some exposure to the structure of solids, band theory, and band gap as a periodic property (see, for example, Lisensky, et al. J Chem.

Metals in Biological Systems - Who? How? and Why?

Submitted by Betsy Jamieson / Smith College on Wed, 01/20/2010 - 10:01

This learning object was developed collaboratively by members of the IONiC Leadership Council.  The overall goal is to provide a general overview of metals in biological systems and introduce students to several of the important ideas in the field of bioinorganic chemistry.  Topics include toxic metals, metals used in biological systems and the overlap of these categories; issues associated with the uptake, transport and storage of metal ions; and the benefits gained by using metals in biological molecules.  

Pyrophoric Liquid Safety Video

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 14:18

This website is a video put out by UCLA and is a good general introduction to using pyrophorics.  It would be good for required viewing for ALL researchers who intend to use Grignards, alkyl metals, organometallics, LiH, etc.

Updated June 2015 to provide a new link; the old link no longer worked.

Student-Led Organometallics

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 19:42

I teach my organometallics course, a junior/senior level half-course, entirely as student-led presentations of the primary literature.  In the past, the course was populated almost entirely with seniors who had already taken a one-semester advanced inorganic course.  This past year, I taught it to juniors and seniors, and the juniors had not taken inorganic yet.  A description of the course first appeared in J. Chem. Educ. in 2007 (link below).  This VIPEr learning object is an update of the original paper based on my experience over the past two years.

Palladium-catalyzed coupling reactions

Submitted by Brette / Harvey Mudd College on Thu, 12/24/2009 - 22:33
This powerpoint presentation was created as part of the requirements for Chemistry 165 "Organometallics" at Harvey Mudd College during the fall semester 2009.  The authors of this presentation are Athena Anderson, Brette Chapin, Michelle Hansen, and Kanny Wan, all HMC students.  The activity consists of three items:  a powerpoint presentation, a script that goes along with the presentation, and a literature review (annotated bibliography) for further reading.  All figures in the powerpoint presentation were created by the authors to prevent copyright violations.

Dinitrogen activation with "Side-on" N2 complexes

Submitted by Tarun Narayan / Harvey Mudd College on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 16:49
This powerpoint presentation was created as part of the requirements for Chemistry 165 "Organometallics" at Harvey Mudd College during the fall semester 2009.  The authors of this presentation are Kristine Fong, Eric Nacsa and Tarun Narayan, all from Harvey Mudd College.  The activity consists of three items:  a powerpoint presentation, a script that goes along with the presentation, and a literature review (annotated bibliography) for further reading. 

Shilov Chemistry

Submitted by Allegra Liberman-Martin / UC Berkeley on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 16:29
This powerpoint presentation was created as part of the requirements for Chemistry 165 "Organometallics" at Harvey Mudd College during the fall semester 2009.  The authors of this presentation are Allegra Liberman-Martin (Scripps College), Levi Moore (Pomona College), Drexel Proctor (Pomona College) and Giselle Sullivan (Scripps College).  The activity consists of three items:  a powerpoint presentation, a script that goes a

Metal - Noble Gas Bonding

Submitted by Sisyphus / Harvey Mudd College on Tue, 12/15/2009 - 21:54
This powerpoint presentation was created as part of the requirements for Chemistry 165 "Organometallics" at Harvey Mudd College during the fall semester 2009.  The authors of this presentation are Thomas Avila, Mark Hendricks, and Camille Sultana, all HMC students.  The activity consists of three items:  a powerpoint presentation, a script that goes along with the presentation, and a literature review (annotated bibliography) for further reading.  The presentation has links to figures;  the actual figures have been removed to prevent copyright violations.