Exploding the Myth of Intracellular free metal ion pools_ A reading guide

Submitted by Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn on Thu, 09/22/2011 - 15:18

This is a Reading guide to the Review article Transition Metal Speciation in the Cell: Insights from the Chemistry of Metal Ion Receptors Lydia A. Finney, et al. Science 300, 931 (2003);

DOI: 10.1126/science.1085049.  


How does changing solvent affect redox potential?

Submitted by Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn on Wed, 09/21/2011 - 11:32

There are three ways to modulate the redox potential of a metalloenzyme:  Changing ligands, changing geometry, and changing solvent. When I introduce this topic in Bioinorganic, I try to give my students concrete examples of each.  I love this one because it applies what they learned in Gen Chem about the Nernst Equation to a biological problem.  Granted, I don't use a metalloenzyme as my example, but I do pull the biological chemistry into it at the end, by referrring to the cytochrome oxidase/O2 couple.  

Bioinorganic Introduction: Periodic Table

Submitted by Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 16:05

I use this introductory exercise at the beginning (the very first thing) of my one semester topics course in Bioinorganic Chemistry and as the first exercise in my Bioinorganic unit in my senior level Inorganic Course.  The exercise is a very simple one, but generates a lot of great discussion, requiring students to access knowledge from prior chemistry and biology courses, as well s common knowledge from sources external to their academic career.  Students are often surprised to see how much they know before a topic is covered.  

Chemistry Ethics Discussion: Professor Americium and the Case of the Dreaded Kink

Submitted by Hilary Eppley / DePauw University on Fri, 07/08/2011 - 16:25

This collaboratively developed inorganic chemistry-based ethics case study has been designed for use with general science students (not necessarily chemistry or inorganic chemistry students).  It could be used as part of a research ethics training program for undergraduates or as a stand-alone research group meeting on ethics or class assignment on data integrity. In this particular case study two data points are suspected of being in error because of a student mistake in labeling samples.

Demonstration on tempering of iron

Submitted by Lee Park / Williams College on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 15:01

This is a simple and quick demonstration of the process oftempering of a solid, and the dramatic

Student-Directed Explorations to teach about ligands

Submitted by Marion Cass / Carleton College on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 14:43

Several years ago I began using a set of Ligand-of-the-Week exercises in my Inorganic course to encourage (force) students to go outside of our textbook and into the chemical reference materials and chemical literature to find examples of ligands that bind to metal ions. My motivation was to get my students to see the wonderful breadth of known metal-ligand complexes and to develop skills associated with analyzing and classifying ligands. My original paper is fairly complete and can be accessed via J. Chem. Educ. which is now available through the ACS website.

Exposure to Computational Chemistry: Reinforcing Concepts in Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Christine Thomas / Ohio State University on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 14:04

Groups of 2-4 students (depending on class size) are each assigned a different collaborative project that involves using DFT calculations to evaluate some of the principles of inorganic structure and bonding developed in lectures throughout the semester.  Each “project” involves comparing the computed properties (spectroscopic (IR), geometric,or relative energies) of a series of molecules and drawing conclusions about the observed differences using concepts developed in class.

Letters of recommendation

Submitted by Lee Park / Williams College on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 13:55

This is a document that I hand out to every student I have, outlining what I

Understanding phase diagrams of solid state alloys: Application to archeological studies

Submitted by Lee Park / Williams College on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 13:43
This paper from the Journal of Archeological Science describes the analysis of silver-copper artifacts found in Machu Picchu.  The archeological samples were compared to various control samples prepared from different compositions and under varying processing (thermal treatment) conditions.  Using analytical methods (mechanical hardness testing, micrographic analysis of microstructure and morphology, elemental analysis), researchers were able to offer hypotheses concerning the source materials and fabrication methods used by Inca artisans.