While at the ACS meeting in Denver I was simply in awe at just how amazing this community is. The talks were excellent. It is certainly a privilege to have a front row seat, but I do wish Chip Nataro would stop taking me away from my perch during his talks. Our poster sessions were terrific. I wish I could have gotten to all of the posters but Nancy Williams decided it was best I stayed at our poster. But what I found to be really special was our social hour. You may not have seen me there, as the restaurant had some kind of strange policy about no shirt, no shoes, no service. So I spent the whole time in Joanne Stewart's bag. But I still got to see and hear some of the wonderful interactions that took place. It was a great community moment with people from different types of schools and at varying points in the careers getting together and talking. It was at that point that I said to myself "Flo, this is VIPEr." Yes, there is the website with lots of great stuff. Sure, there are workshops and sessions at ACS meetings. But it is the people that make this grand experiment what it is. One piece of evidence to support this is the way that community members are taking the message of VIPEr out to others. Thinking of Denver, I of course must thank all of our workshops participants who have presented posters about the workshops over the years. But not everyone is able to get to National ACS Meetings. That's why it's great to see people taking VIPEr to regional meetings. Shirley Lin will be running a workshop at NERM in June. Laurel Habgood, Kari Young and Jeff Raker are hosting a workshop in June at Rollins College. The workshop will focus on designing LOs and in particular they hope to develop two laboratory exercises. We've even slithered into a book chapter in which John Lee from the Univeristy of Tennessee at Chattanooga talks about engaging students with group activities (ACS Symposium Series - Addressing the Millennial Student in Undergraduate Chemistry Chapter 3 http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/bk-2014-1180.ch003). I deeply apologize if I am missing anything, and please feel free to leave more details in the comments. Let me close by thanking this community for all we are and all we will become.
Just a quick update, the workshop at Rollins College will be June 10-12.