OK, not really sure that this question fits well here (it is a little off the wall), but I have just started in a position as the director of our science research honors program, so I am looking for interesting ideas about co-curricular activities or social events to hold in conjunction with our 10-week summer research program.
As an example, we are actually doing a new social event this week (made possible because of some left-over liquid N2 donated by physics). We are doing a "Seventh Inning Stretch", a 2 pm baseball themed liquid N2 ice cream party with baseball music and movies playing in the background. We also have an upcoming speaker on Science Research Ethics, a resume workshop, and a poster preparation seminar. Anyone else doing anything interesting or creative with your summer students?
We go to the beach for volleyball and a picnic once a week. Oh wait, you're in southern Indiana.
Actually, our students plan many of our social activities. We actually have an official "social coordinator" each summer. They organize the food for the weekly picnic at the beach. Other summer activities have included trips to amusement parks, minor league baseball games, canoeing, and full-campus capture the flag games. On a more low-key scale, we've had movie nights in the science center and video scavenger hunts.
Some of our activities have grown to be all science or even all research student activities. For example, we have a weekly ice cream social that started out in chemistry but now includes everyone. Our lab manager and his student workers provide the ice cream (not sure who pays for it) and then different groups are responsible for bringing other goodies. The students love the opportunity to bake.
Finally, we have a big, formal research symposium at the end of the summer with talks, posters, and lunch. The best part about this is that the students finish a poster by the end of the summer that they can use for subsequent professional meetings during the year.
Joanne Stewart
we don't do all of these every summer... but... here goes.
I've read through the comments from other users and see things very similar to what we do in our summer program. We don't do all of these events every summer nor is this list all inclusive.
On the professional side, the big events are:
On the social side, activities have included:
- Canoe trip. This is one of the highlights - we spend a day on the Shenandoah river and have a big BBQ afterwards.
- Movie nights. These range from organized dorm movies to going to the big summer blockbusters en masse.
- Dinner / party at professors' houses.
- Soccer on the quad. We did this a few years ago - every Wednesday at 6 PM.
- Fe-man and Fe-woman tournament. We took this idea from Furman University. In our incarnation, we invite all students, staff, and faculty to participate in 8 events (some team, some individual). Points are awarded to the best performer. Last year's competitions included a dessert bake-off, mini golf, bowling, relays, ping pong tournament, tennis tournament, dodgeball tournament, volleyball tournament, southern style cook-off. At the end of summer syposium, overall winners and runners up in both the men's and women's divisions were given awards (Fe pins from the ACS store and cheesy certificates). These activities are particularly good at the beginning of the summer and on the weekends to build community.
- Ice cream socials with other research students on campus (courtesy of the Dean).
- Outreach activities. Our students have done chemistry activities with scouting organizations over the summer.
What we've learned is that you need someone (one or more people) committed to organize the social activities. There is only so much that the program directors can handle on their own.