Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Sun, 07/12/2020 - 08:21

Last week we launched a new community feature, SLiThEr (Supporting Learning with Interactive Teaching: a Hosted, Engaging Roundtable). Kyle Grice hosted this first event on converting labs to being virtual. We had a wonderful attendance, and if you weren't able to attend you can catch the whole thing on our youtube channel. As we face the uncertainties of the coming fall semester, the Leadership Council feels certain that the community wants more opportunities to interact. If you haven't signed up for the Discord yet, you really should. But another chance to interact with the community is through our next SLiThEr. It will be this Thursday (July 16th) at 5 pm eastern (GMT-4). I will be hosting it an talking briefly about taking my inorganic class this past spring into the virtual realm as well as my plans for my inorganic course this coming fall. The SLiThEr will last about an hour and it will be recorded if you can't make it. We just ask that you register ahead of time because we will e-mail you the zoom link as opposed to just posting it on social media. 

Kyle Grice / DePaul University

Looking forward to SLiThEr #2 and excited for future ones. We have several topics already suggested and are starting to line up other presenters! 

Thu, 07/16/2020 - 11:05 Permalink