Submitted by Kyle Grice / DePaul University on Wed, 09/18/2024 - 08:27

Hello Friends and Colleagues! 

We are very excited about our next SLiThEr, which will be Sept 26th at 2 pm eastern.

Three inorganic chemists from graduate schools have agreed to be on a panel to talk about applying to graduate school programs, or in other words: "Applying to graduate school, how to make your application pop". We are absolutely delighted to have John Anderson (UChicago), Jenny Yang (UC Irvine), and Ian Tonks (UMN) to discuss their perspectives on applying to graduate school. This will be a great opportunity for our students to hear about applying to graduate school from people at the programs they may be applying to. As usual, we will record the event, so if you can't make the time, you can watch the recording later. 

Sign up at this link to get a zoom link for the event.

The zoom link will be sent out the night before or morning of, so be sure to check your email. 

-IONiC's Team SLiThEr