Hello fellow educators!
We can't believe we're already at SLiThEr #17! We want to thank all of our presenters, participants, and those who've watched the YouTube recordings even if they couldn't make it to the live events. We hope you've found them valuable and thought-provoking.
SLiThEr #17 is coming up on March 4th at 3:30 Eastern (12:30 Pacific). The title is “Demonstration of a Transition to a Remote General Chemistry Course Through a Flipped Curriculum and Mastery-Based Grading". Drs. Kari Stone and Daniel Kissel from Lewis University will be presenting on how they translated a flipped and mastery-based grading general chemistry class to remote learning and how they will transition it back to face-to-face next fall.
We look forward to having you participate in the discussion!
The IONiC Leadership Council