Blomstrand, Jørgensen, and Werner

Submitted by Brad Wile / Ohio Northern University on Fri, 07/10/2020 - 11:05

This is a short set of slides I use to introduce aspects of coordination chemistry for my foundation level inorganic chemistry class. 

Demonstration of Hard-Soft Acid-Base Theory: An Ion-Exchanger for Recovery of Rare Earth Metals

Submitted by Gary Guillet / Furman University on Wed, 07/08/2020 - 08:19

The article from The Journal of the American Chemical Society by M. Kanatzidis et al describes a new ion-exchange material (FJSM-SnS) that shows high selectivity for rare-earth metals (REE) and very fast adsorption kinetics.  A number of techniques are used to characterize the properties of the compound that students may not be very familiar with but the article presents in an accessible way.

A copper "Click" catalyst for the synthesis of 1,2,3-triazoles

Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Wed, 06/10/2020 - 11:40

This paper (Gayen, F.R.; Ali, A.A.; Bora, D.; Roy, S.; Saha, S.; Saikia, L.; Goswamee, R.L. and Saha, B. Dalton Trans2020, 49, 6578) describes the synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of a copper complex with a ferrocene-containing Schiff base ligand. The article is relatively short but packed with information. However, many of the details that are assumed knowledge in the article make for wonderful questions some of which I hope I have captured.

Gold carbonyl complexes

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Tue, 06/09/2020 - 15:06

I've been meaning to write an LO on non-classical metal carbonyl complexes for a long time. This paper describes the synthesis and characterization of a gold carbonyl prepared in superacidic media. The LO asks the students to do some relatively straightforward reduced mass calculations to predict the 13C labeled CO stretch from the unlabeled one, but then asks the students to think about /why/ the Au-CO stretch is /higher/ than that of free CO.

Inorganic Active Learning Lesson Plan Design

Submitted by Meghan Porter / Indiana University on Fri, 05/15/2020 - 09:05

I created this activity as a way to get the class involved in creating new, fun ways to teach course concepts (selfishly- that part is for me) and for students to review concepts prior to the final exam (for them).  Students use a template to create a 15-20 min activity that can be used in groups during class to teach a concept we have learned during the semester.  We then randomly assign the activities and students work in groups to complete them and provide feedback.

The benefits are twofold:

virtual inorganic lab experiments with data

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Fri, 03/20/2020 - 17:44

This collection includes new and/or updated lab experiments useful for online/distance learning. To be included in this collection, data should be provided for others to use in their new virtual laboratory courses. This collection was prepared as part of my response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Job's Method - The Covid-19 Version

Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 23:03

This is the classic Job's Method experiment from "Synthesis and Technique in Inorganic Chemistry" 2nd Ed. (1977 or 1986 pp 108-114) by R. J. Angelici. There are slight changes from the experiment published in the book but they just include running solutions with ethylenediamine mole fractions of 0.67 and 0.75, so details will not be provided. What is provided are a series of pictures and videos showing the experiment being performed. Also included are the raw files of the absorbance spectra in EXCEL.

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Terrie Salupo-Bryant / Manchester University on Fri, 01/31/2020 - 16:02

Many of the topics in this course have their origins in the topics that are covered in General Chemistry but are covered in more detail.  Many of the rules learned in General Chemistry are actually the exception.  Chemical systems are much more complicated than the simple models presented in a first year course.  The course begins with the electronic structure and periodic properties of atoms followed by discussion of covalent, ionic, and metallic bonding theories and structures.  Students also apply acid-base principles to inorganic systems.  The second half of the course is dedicated to t

Inorganic Chemistry 2020

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Tue, 01/21/2020 - 17:35

Inorganic chemistry interfaces and overlaps with the other areas of chemistry. Inorganic chemists  synthesize molecules of academic and commercial interest, measure properties such as magnetism and unpaired electron spin with sophisticated instruments, study metal ion uptake in living cells, and prepare new materials like photovoltaics. Inorganic chemistry is a diverse field, and we will only be able to touch on some of the chemistry of the 118 elements that currently reside in the periodic table.

Formal oxidation states in Ru-catalyzed water oxidation

Submitted by Margaret Scheuermann / Western Washington University on Fri, 01/17/2020 - 16:36

This LO is an in-class assignment to prepare students for literature readings involving catalytic cycles in which multiple protons and electrons are transferred. Students practice assigning oxidation states to complexes with aquo, oxo, superoxo, and hydroperoxo ligands then use this information to analyze a proposed water oxidation mechanism from the literature.